DJTT VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition Mapping (Traktor Pro 2) - Page 15
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  1. #141
    Tech Wizard
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    Los Angeles, CA, USA


    Tempo pitch fader no feedback between TP2 and VCI 400EG controller unit.

    Thanks for the link but my issue is not that simple. My problem with the VCI 400 EGE is that there are no "feedback" between Traktor Pro 2 software and the controller "tempo" pitch fader. For example, deck A is playing and then as I mix Deck B over. The tempo pitch fader is at +4%. Now here is where all the problem start. I then load a new track on Deck A and my "tempo" pitch fader on the controller is still at the +4% positon...HOWEVER, the "tempo" pitch control on Traktor Pro 2 is not back at "zero" so now TP2 and the VCI 400 EGE controller's "tempo" pitch control does not match up which is causing a huge havoc for me. Not to mention, posing a huge problem for live DJ performance. I actually have this verified by another DJ (DJ Hapa) and he was stuck and couldn't help me resolve this issue. Please help if anyone has a solution to this MIDI mapping so there are constant feedback between the Traktor Pro 2 software "Tempo" pitch fader and the VCI 400 EG controller "Tempo" pitch fader. Is this normal on all controller or just a unique issue with the VCI 400 EG edition?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Grasshopper in training, new to digital DJ 2011

    Digital workflow: MacBook Pro 15" / Mac OS 10.7.3 / Tracktor Pro 2

  2. #142
    Tech Wizard
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    Chicago, IL


    3000? try 1500. you can get the air with a solid state drive 4gs of ram and the upgraded processor for 1400 shipped.

  3. #143
    Tech Wizard
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    Chicago, IL


    i saw another suggestion that was interesting. using shift + the sample volumes to control the individual filter. it seems that the SHIFT button is not used as much on the vci-400 ege than on the s4. all i really want are the core function of the s4's shift button on the vci-400. ean designed the s4 shoulda known to include those functions. hopefully an upgrade comes out soon till then im still happy!

  4. #144
    Tech Wizard
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    Does anyone have scratching/seeking on their job wheels working properly?

  5. #145


    anyone have intermittent problems?
    Last edited by mikeisnorml; 04-06-2012 at 11:17 PM.

  6. #146



  7. #147
    Tech Wizard DJ Barrister's Avatar
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    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by midijunk View Post
    Had the VCI EGE for a couple of weeks now, great job with the mapping. Hope a future update may include:

    Shift + Load = Unload Deck\All Samples

    Shift + Grid Mode = Traktor 'slip mode' (Pioneer\Itch feature) :
    This would:
    a. copy deck A to C or B to D
    b. mute C or D
    c. standard Grid Mode (ie loop and allow mash-up)
    When Grid Mode is disengaged
    d. copy deck C to A or D to B
    This allows the track to keep playing in the background as if the loop was never set.. hope this makes sense?

  8. #148
    Tech Mentor
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    Anyone else having issues with loading jog FX properly on deck B even after importing the mapping correctly? Haven't tried with a different USB cable, but it would unlikely be the cause. Plus: the right sample deck LED does not lit unless you have the left sample deck LED turned on
    VCI-400 EGE / Sennheiser HD-25-1 II / MF3D / iPad 2 running Lemur / Audio 6 DJ

  9. #149
    Tech Student
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Slamboogie View Post
    Tempo pitch fader no feedback between TP2 and VCI 400EG controller unit.
    BROWSER BTN + Tempo (move physical control without moving tempo in Traktor); and/or
    SHIFT + Tempo (move back to centre to reset)

    Explained here (21:10 onwards):

  10. #150
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by CryderSteez View Post
    Another question: is it possible to reduce the tempo fader range to 4% while maintaining the 100% range while holding shift? That functionality is killer but every time I try and dial the 8% down for better precision I mess with the 100%.
    Yes it is possible. The Overall Tempo Range will control the Direct Tempo command's range; however, the Relative tempo command is controlled by the "Tempo Fader" mapping controls commented "Tempo Fader A/B/C/D" that you can find when selecting the VCI-400 mapping in the Controller Manager. On the Relative commands you will see that the Sensitivity is set to 40%, this controls the relative amount the tempo faders move in reference to the set Tempo Range.

    So, you would first adjust the Tempo Range (in the Transport Preferences section) for the range you want on the Direct Tempo command and then mess with the sensitivity on the Relative tempo command to change the range the Tempo fader will move without holding Shift.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

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