DJTT VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition Mapping (Traktor Pro 2) - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor
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    Portland, OR


    I have the same issue with the JogFX, I only had about 30 min to play around with it though everything else seems to be running smoothly except cuing doesn't produce any sound in my phones, but that might just be routing. Also, does the output volume seem low to anyone else? I turn it up on the VCI and both it and Traktor say it's clipping, though that doesn't really mean anything from a gain staging perspective...

  2. #12
    Tech Wizard
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    i tried dl'ing this on a mac, but it saves as a .xml format so i can't import it onto traktor...any help please. thanks.

  3. #13
    Tech Guru basspenetrator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basicz View Post
    i tried dl'ing this on a mac, but it saves as a .xml format so i can't import it onto traktor...any help please. thanks.
    no problems here.. try right click save as.. it's definitely a tsi
    Setup: TP 3, Kontrol S5, MF Twister, MF3D, MF Classic, DIY-Midifighter, Aiaiai Tma-1
    formerly know as weltraumpapst

  4. #14
    Tech Wizard
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    My pitch control is very limited, is there a way to regain my pitch control back to it's normal standard +/- 8%? Thank you.

    Grasshopper in training, new to digital DJ 2011

    Digital workflow: MacBook Pro 15" / Mac OS 10.7.3 / Tracktor Pro 2

  5. #15


    Got my VCI-400/Golden today. I had very low headphone output. In traktor I noticed the volume know on the vci did not turn the volume knob in traktor. Manual turn the volume in traktor up as a master, then us the vci to control your levels. Almost blow the headphones off my head. Damn loud now!

    I can get scratch/jog wheel to work yet.

  6. #16


    I was having issues getting my jogs to work right, but I loosened them and turned the jog sensitivity knobs ALMOST all of the way up. ***For some reason on mine, If I turn them all of the way up (to the right), the decks don't work at all and won't play.... but if I turn the knobs slightly to the left then they work well.

    The jog fx are great and vinyl mode is working for me now... however, for some reason when I load a new track into Deck B it loads with the delay freeze turned on and I have to manually turn it off before I can hear the track. It's like the jog fx get stuck on somehow. I've toggled the buttons, pressed/released the platter, etc. but can't seem to troubleshoot why that is happening.

    Has anyone else had any issues with a new track being loaded but Traktor applying a delay freeze so it is muted?
    Macbook Pro 15" (2.3 GHz Quad i7, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD), S4, Maschine, Beat Masher, Cue Master

  7. #17
    Tech Convert
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    so the mapping will not work with the regular vci 400 I would need the firmware from the SE, is there a way to get it??

  8. #18
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skerrplunk View Post
    I am having issues getting my jog wheels to work. The jogfx are definitely messed up. When I turn them I can see which effects they are controlling/changing but the effects groups aren't turning on. If I toggle the vinyl button on/off that seems to turn them on/off sometimes. Is this supposed to happen? None of the jogfx are working right. For example, the echo definitely doesn't toggle on/off the echo freeze when pressing and releasing the jog.

    Also, should I be able to scratch and/or seek forward and backward in a track by spinning the jogwheels? Because mine definitely aren't working properly if so. I've tried loosening them but that hasn't helped.
    As someone already mentioned, the issue with getting the JogFX to turn the effects on or getting the jog wheels to scratch normally have to do with the the sensitivity of the Jog Wheel touch sensors. There are two knobs to control the touch sensitivity on the left front section of the unit.

    I found that I like mine very sensitive so I go to the point when the sensor thinks you are touching the jog wheel (which usually also changes the led under the jog wheel to red) and then reduce the sensitivity just a bit. Otherwise I did find a few occasions when the touch sensor wouldn't notice if I touched the jog wheel lightly and quickly.

    As for the Vinyl button, this is just changing the jog wheels from scratching to simply pitch bending. So if you press the Vinyl button such that the LED is off, that means the jog wheels will not scratch (which can be helpful in bass heavy situations if it makes your jog wheels shake). JogFX will still work with the Vinyl mode on or off.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

  9. #19
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    is there anything with the firmware that will hinder me from remapping things like the effects? I don't use beatmasher and have a few go to effects combos that I like to use.
    No, there should be no major hinderances to editing the mapping. I would recommend editing the commands already in the mapping (rather than adding new ones and re-learning) to change the set effects and rates as the Midi commands in a few sections are a little confusing and if you just use "learn" it should work but it won't necessarily select the ideal midi command.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

  10. #20
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidetrakd View Post
    The vinyl mode doesn't work for me either, Touching the jogwheel stops the deck but then the jogwheel doesn't do anything
    As mentioned, the "Vinyl" mode activates the Scratch command on the Jogs (indicated by when the Vinyl LED is lit). When Vinyl is off the Jog wheels will act similar to CD-Js and will only pitch bend the track.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

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