DJTT VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition Mapping (Traktor Pro 2) - Page 23
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  1. #221


    Quote Originally Posted by flashflooder View Post
    haha ok. well, the only option that may be possible now is to send you regular vci-400 unit into our office and i believe we have the means to take it all apart reflash the firmware, put it back together and then send it back to you for a fee (probably around $50). i am going to test this procedure with on customer who insisted on trying and if it works and is a straight forward enough process that i can have our assembly guy do it, then we could also offer this as a custom service for people in the meantime. that's about the only possibility i see at this point though.
    I just got the regular vci-400 unit and didnt realize the firmware differences,now the unit is kinda useless 2 me, the ean golden mapping was i only reason i bought the unit. I would pay 50$ all day form the firmware upgrade! Are you guys offering that custom service ? It would make my day!

  2. #222
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    Just received my 400EGE and I watched the mapping video. The only thing that doesn't work on mine is the leds don't turn off after I delete a cue or mute a sample. All those leds stay on. In the video they turn off when cues are deleted and when samples are muted. Any ideas?

  3. #223
    Tech Guru Timbo21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacker View Post

    Just received my 400EGE and I watched the mapping video. The only thing that doesn't work on mine is the leds don't turn off after I delete a cue or mute a sample. All those leds stay on. In the video they turn off when cues are deleted and when samples are muted. Any ideas?
    Did you import the mapping twice?

  4. #224
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    I did but I don't think I restarted traktor after each time. I will import again and see if that takes care of the leds.

  5. #225
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    Just imported the mapping again and that did the trick. Thanks.

  6. #226
    Tech Guru Timbo21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lacker View Post
    Just imported the mapping again and that did the trick. Thanks.

  7. #227


    I just received my regular vci-400

    how did Ean Golden map those 4 pages, 1 button for every page. then each page has its own 8 buttons *right above* to play with.

  8. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kensic View Post
    I just received my regular vci-400

    how did Ean Golden map those 4 pages, 1 button for every page. then each page has its own 8 buttons *right above* to play with.
    I don't know about the EGE but with my stock 400 I picked a modifier for each back. Each of the four little buttons makes the modifier trigger to 1,2,3,4 and if you trigger it again the modifier goes back to zero... so you actually get 5 pages per bank. (you could make this more complicated if you wished to have more banks if you needed it i guess since the modifier values go up to 8)

    Deck A uses M2
    Deck B uses M3
    Deck C uses M5
    Deck D uses M6

    2/3/5/6 are also the same as the channel numbers for each deck in the controller manager so that makes it easier to keep track of which modifier i am supposed to use.

    Then on each button on the bank i configured various functions reliant on the modifier values. So each one has a different function for M2 = 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4....

  9. #229
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    Read this thread and didn't find what I need.

    I was playing around and noticed that after loading a track, i could set loops using the knob on top or the transport buttons at the bottom but at some point would loose all loop setting functions. Couldn't do it with mouse either. Loading a new track on the deck would give me loop function but again, I lost it after a while. Not sure what is causing this.

  10. #230
    Tech Mentor kdelca7470's Avatar
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    i was wondering, would it be possible to replace the EGE slicer function with the one that flashflooder has made with his modified version of the DJTT EGE? any thoughts

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