New VCI-400 EGE Bundle - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Tech Convert
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    It is wishful thinking that they will reimburse us but if they care about their customers something will be done. I am for sure waiting to buy my 3d fighter, if ever buying it now..

  2. #22
    Tech Mentor groovemixer's Avatar
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    Thing that bugs me the most is my order went on hold and got shipped on Thursday. I spoke to them on the phone but no one told me to hold off a day for the bundle special. Could be he didn't know about it?

    But it's happened plenty of times that the sales clerk tells me to hold off for the sale or gives me the deal a day or so after the sale has ended. I've also had stores reimburse me the savings with me showing them the receipt.

    K here's hoping, waiting for response from DJTT.........
    ::: mixing music that feeds the soul ::: iTunes | | Mixcloud
    "If the music you're listening to doesn't give you goosebumps, you're listening to the wrong genre."

  3. #23
    Tech Convert
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    This definitely makes me question their ethics.

  4. #24
    Tech Wizard
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    without our input, our trust in their company, the vci-400 EGE could have been a flop. we took that chance and not a cheap one, of buying a controller from a small mainly online store. one that offers no extended warranty i.e. guitar center's pro plan (basically covers EVERYTHING). a controller that is altered and only reviewed by those that made it. we took this chance. we gave our input, input that is used to make the controller better. we help test their product, fix bugs and make it more marketable to others that were more weary and in this case at the advantage. ONLY 300! they screamed from the early email that went out. i bought it that moment because i knew DJTT had my best interest in mind. i started with a vci100se why not ditch the s4 and come back "home"? now to offer an awesome package is so bittersweet. i love it because this is what i LOVE about DJTT. but i feel its a kick in the face to offer 200 worth of kick ass gear to everyone but us. we love you. how could you do this? i mean i already bought the usb cord, two of em actually because i couldn't decide if i wanted right angle or not. ha my POINT is not to be a brat but to just ask why not us? why make us REGRET buying YOUR controller early?

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by midijunk View Post

    Hey DJTT: how about offering the same pack via discount code to those that supported your initial release? I'll happily pay shipping and a small 'admin' fee..

    While I understand DJTTs position, it certainly has made me think twice about picking up the Midi Fighter 3D on release! Particularly if the discounting is only an additional 6 weeks wait, as it was in this case..

    *edit spelling*
    I completely agree with this statement. I purchased my VCI-400 EGE about 2 weeks ago and I feel a bit cheated. I would most definitely pay some sort of admin fee and shipping etc if we could receive access to a special package to support their initial buyers. I have been a loyal customer of DJTT for quite a while and have purchased hundreds of dollars of equipment from them. Hopefully DJTT can offer some sort of way to compensate to their loyal supporters. Why should we be punished for being early adopters of their products?

    Edit: I am also going to be holding off on buying a midi fighter 3D for the time being too..
    Last edited by tlandrecht; 04-09-2012 at 12:38 PM.

  6. #26



    To those that have emaiiled DJTT, please keep everyone on this thread informed. I'm tempted to send an email as well but will hold off since several of you have already written them... You may want to try calling though. I've typically had success calling as long as it is during their normal working hours which are a bit limited.
    Macbook Pro 15" (2.3 GHz Quad i7, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD), S4, Maschine, Beat Masher, Cue Master

  7. #27
    Tech Mentor kamjongill's Avatar
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    Check out the DJTT Twitter...!/DJTechTools

    That'll make some happy campers, I know I am happy at least

  8. #28


    I just spoke with a DJTT representative, and he assured me that they are currently in the processing of drafting an email to everyone who has purchased the VCI-400 EGE which will alleviate all our concerns

    edit: and we should receive that email today.

  9. #29
    Tech Mentor groovemixer's Avatar
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    just got an email from Ean!! seems we should have received an email before the bundle was advertised. Looks like all previous 400 EGE purchases will have the bundle offer also!! But still waiting on the official word as stated by tlandrecht above!!!

    I would hold off contacting and emailing them till they update us.
    ::: mixing music that feeds the soul ::: iTunes | | Mixcloud
    "If the music you're listening to doesn't give you goosebumps, you're listening to the wrong genre."

  10. #30
    Tech Mentor kamjongill's Avatar
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    No Blue USB cord

    oh well, guess I can't be too greedy, just thankful to get the bag and the powertools.

    Thank you DJTT!

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