do they exist? does anyone have one? i want to buy one but until i have a mapper im reluctant.
ON A SIDE NOTE : how long do they take to ship to the uk ?
do they exist? does anyone have one? i want to buy one but until i have a mapper im reluctant.
ON A SIDE NOTE : how long do they take to ship to the uk ?
can't see any here but synthet1c would know. you need to have a registered copy of vdj to download them. he's been working on a 4banks midifighter classic mapper not sure about pro, but would def be possible.
11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
Originally Posted by derschaich
im planning on gettin it when i get my terminal mix 4 as ill need a mapper for that to and the extra effects and such will b nice, (they kinda deserve my money after torrenting it for a year) So its not worth buying the midi fighter pro yet for me? Also how does vdj mapping work? if i get his file can i edit it via ''press to map button'' to do something i want instead of how hes done it? and is it worth waiting to get the midi fighter pro or just get the midi fighter now and do filter bending and parameter changing through the controller? + say if i have 4 decks loaded all with pre-set hotcue points for beat juggling, how does midi fighter select which deck to juggle from ?
vdj mapping is (sensibly unlike traktor) in two parts. the devices definition file which just gives names to each controls midi input/output (the same thing i do in my own midimasher app) and a "mapper" which contains the actual actions for each button press using "vdjscript". i dont know how different a midifighter pro's midi is to a classic - but creating the definition file won't be hard.
which deck the midifighter controls in his mapper is using the top four buttons i think. i dont have vdj to test it with. i'm sure synthet1c will chime in as soon as he sees this thread with more solid info
here's a couple of his threads on midifighter mappers and
11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
Originally Posted by derschaich
yeh i did a bit of research on it last night and found out that vdj is better to map in supposedly, i hope so he seems to be the most useful person on the vdj forums ( i posted on there too ) so guess just got to wait for himthanks for the link, i also looked on youtube and found a midi fighter script that seemed to be incredibly simple ( ) but at the same time seems very basic? ( thanks for your help btw! )
that's quite a basic mapping i guess - and using the midifighter in normal mode. i tend to use my classic in 4banks mode - which is better on the pro's as you get 4 banks of 4x4 buttons.
but vdjscript isn't all that tricky from what i've seen - tho can get quite complex if u want it to. i'd like to get vdj but can't justify the 300usd for a copy when i already have traktor and have so many other controllers and bits of software i want to get![]()
11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
Originally Posted by derschaich
mm, guess someone on here will help me once i get it ( i hope :P ) , i dont even get what the modes mean yet xD , and vdj is how i learnt everything, i was going to switch to traktor but i dont like the layout and with vdj8 up and coming it makes sense to upgrade from an LE version to pro now and get 8 for free :P
hey mate, sorry I didn't point you to djtechtools but atomix frown on giving away mappers for free and I wanna be a beta tester for version 8 "fingers crossed"...
that mapping has some issues with the moot "gate" plugin as it's really power hungry and you need to either have that effect selected or hold the button for a moment until the effect starts... this problem doesn't occur with vdj effects at all as they are built for the platform and everything triggers when it should...
Other differences are the vdj one has a beatmasher/loop roll, i think there is a picture in the thread zestoi posted of how it works in different combinations. It also has a slicer and a replica of the pioneer efx1000 feedback loop as well as some other vdj plugins...
the mapping is finished for pc but I could not get it recognised on mac as the guy I was getting to test it gave up after only a few attempts... at the moment the midifighter controls only the selected deck (in pfl), but I am waiting on atomic to fix the verb that assigns the controller to a particular deck so the midi fighter can be changed independantly of the the headphone cue...
You should get your teeth into mapping your mixtrack pro while you are waiting, it isn't a steep learning curve for basic mapping with single variables (shifts), and not much harder to use multiple variables for some amazing results.. if you ever want help just ask I'm always happy to help people with mapping as i'm a huge nerd in that area an it still excites me to come up with crazy mappings. but I just started working on a skin to try and address the aesthetic issue, but having the dilemma of whether to make it flat or semi realistic (3D) which more often than not looks tacky. here is a first drapht I did yesterday the left side is flat and the right is beveled (3D) I woyld lov some opinions on what you think looks better, or even if you think it looks rubbish as long as you say why LOL...
If you want to test the midifighter I'm all for it.. but if your buying vdj pro wait till you get the reloop so you can get a discount which will probably be $150 off
Last edited by synthet1c; 04-25-2012 at 04:16 AM.
Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!
hey synthetic i replied to you on vdj forums and then saw this, when you talk about the gate effect and it being power hungry you mean in cpu usage right? i have a brand new laptop as a girl spilt beer on my 2 grand alienware one so maybe it wouldnt matter? but if the button is being dodge aswell perhaps a different effect for the time being? , i run a pc so it wouldnt be too much work to convert it to a pro if its already done right? and in a live performance P.O.V , if you pfl then the sound goes out of the live mix and into the headphones so the midi fighter controlling that is useless ? im no mapper/skin maker and frankly am just not the type of person to be able to use any type of code ( i couldnt even speak pidgeon when i was younger :sadface: ) so am totally reliant on people like yourself, its admirable how you help all of us jocksi was thinking about a reloop tm4 skin to go with everything also but as that is just aestetics im focusing on the more important things first , i dont have a mixtrack pro i just used keyboard and mouse until now as i wanted to learn as much as i could before investing any money and see if i had a genuine interest/the ear and passion for it :P
P.S. : i would say the pic of the skin u posted is looking good in the general layout of things but imo choose a brighter color scheme, purple and blacks nice but imho not the best color scheme in a dark club with strobe lights popping off + i like the notchs on the crossfader, more precise
Last edited by Dj Xtasii; 04-25-2012 at 05:04 AM.
11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
Originally Posted by derschaich