VCI-400 Sound Issues? Please HELP!
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012
    California, USA

    Unhappy VCI-400 Sound Issues? Please HELP!

    I purchased my VCI-400 from guitar center about two weeks ago and everything worked decently.
    I'm using the VDJ software it cam bundled with and XLR cables with harbinger speakers. My laptop I'm using easily meets the requirements... hopefully you guys can help me with the problems I'm having (below)...
    1) When, and still, after/during playing the sound will become "pixelated/distorted"... I'm not sure how to correctly describe it.
    2) Suddenly a couple days ago the sound doesn't come out through my Harbinger speakers. I'm using the XLR master outputs and I'm pretty sure they are setup correctly (as I have been setting them up the same way since I got them, I could be wrong though_ and I do not think its the laptop (the sound can be played through there) and the speakers (although no sound/music comes from them, if I turn up the Line In and Master all the way up you can hear noise, I assume this means the speakers are working. AND the controller still works with VDJ (all knobs, buttons, etc work)... just no sound comes out from it when I have it CONFIG'd via ASIO (which I believe is the correct configuration.

    Any and all help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012


    Did you check your headphone output, direct routing function? This might tell you whether the sound card is OK.

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    California, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Eiyax View Post
    Did you check your headphone output, direct routing function? This might tell you whether the sound card is OK.
    How do I do this?

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012


    Try any of them....before that check whether your PC detect VCI-400 sound card, the guide is available in owner manual page 19.

    - Go to control panel --> sound --> (if your driver installed correctly) select VCI-400 as default playback device --> play any sound using windows media player (if you using Windows) --> you should listen the sound you play from VCI-400's outputs.

    -Use VDJ, play any song and enable Monitor CUE, plug in your headphone. If sound card OK, you should listen the song you play from headphone.

    - To check your direct routing, input any song with RCA to VCI-400 input line 1/2 with RCA cable, input routing switch to direct, rotate input VR to bring up the volume. You should listen to the song you input from Master Output.

  5. #5
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012
    California, USA


    Thank you sir, that did the trick. I tried it before I saw the post and I found out it wasn't playing through the driver.

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