perfect! now I have to buy that midi converter![]()
perfect! now I have to buy that midi converter![]()
Would like to connect the mf directly to a Xone mixer, which is currently an issue because of differences in usb over Xlink
A Linux version of the Midi Fighter Utility. If it just uses SysEx, then you could also do what Novation did with the Circuit and make a web app that can update the firmware.
An Android version would also be nice.
Alternatively, you could release either the source code or simply document the protocol and I'd write something myself.
Just got my twister from the mail and have been trying out all the nice features. Works like a charm!
One feature request after an hour of playing around: How could I set the encoders default sensitivity to match what the Switch Action Type "Encoder Fine adjustment" does?
Here's why: I do mastering and will use twister mostly to fine tune my eq settings. In mastering, you usually cut a dB or two at maximum.
When the encoder is set to High Resolution sensitivity, the smallest increment I can get on my eq is 0.5dB (if I just only touch the encoder). If I hold down the encoder (with fine adjustment enabled), I get the same 0.5dB increment but I have to turn the encoder a longer way (which is good).
So would I would love to see is
1) The fine adjustment mode option under encoder sensitivity selection, so I don't actually change my eq setting by 0.5dB by just touching an encoder accidentally. This would also free the Switch action for other useful actions, as currently I have to press and hold to do all my encoder movements.
2) It would be really good if I could control the eq with 0.1dB increments, instead of 0.4dB increments, but I guess this is dependent on how the eq plugin is implemented (how much the gain moves, when an encoder is incremented by one unit).
Oh, please make Remix Deck Mode work again in Traktor for Windows users
please please pleaseeeeee
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Default connect mf to Xone mixers (xlink)
Would like to connect the mf directly to a Xone mixer, which is currently an issue because of differences in usb over Xlink
it'd be great if they made that connection possible
After few weeks of playing with the MFT - which I definitively love, really well done DJTT <3 - here's some improvements i would be reaaaallly happy to see one day :
- For now a Switch CC Toggle button have the same detent function than the normal button. It would be great to have the hability to have also different behavior (for example with detent for the normal button / without detent for the switch toggle one).
- The Detent Color is limited to Red / Purple / Blue nuances. No green or Light Blue. Is it a bug ?
- Having different brightness for the On / Off color. Instead of having two colors for On / Off position, have the ability to have two different brightness (for example Low or Mid brightness for Off position / full brightness for On position)
- Having the ability to specify in MF Utiliy the Animation of On and Off Rgb (without the use of a 3rd party program to send Data to the MFT).
- Having the ability to work in MF Utility with 2 MFTW.
- Having the ability to group 2 MFTW.
- Having the ability to use any button (not only side buttons) as bank switch.
- A more complete manual. Actually theres a bit of missing informations in the manual : no information about the sequencer part & the midi data used, the precise lists of colors & data value (not just a RGB graph saying it’s go from 0 to 127).
- In MF Utility, have the ability to determine the max and min value sent by a rotary (for example, in ableton it would allow a Remote Script for Volume track to be limited at 0 db and not reach the max amount of 6 db).
- Besides Classic & Detent behave of Leds, a Spread behave (for Q functions for example) would be nice.
I guess, to be continued...
Allow a side button to be configured like a shift button. When pressed, it puts the encoder in Granular mode. Encoder fine adjustments.