Midi Fighter 3D Feature Requests
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  1. #1
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
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    Default Midi Fighter 3D Feature Requests

    Please use this thread to post feature requests for the MF3D firmware and utility, I will either approve it, in which case I will add it to the list in this post, or otherwise I can explain why we dont want to add your request.

    This thread will be moderated to keep it on topic and concise!

    For the next release

    - Invert feature to allow the midi fighter 3D to be used with the cable orientated on the back


    Added in 2.1

    1) Ability to tweak tilt/rotation sensitivity, dead zone, and range.

    2) Mode where tilt messages are reduced to one CC for fowards/back and one for left right.

    3) Ability to set timer for and disable rainbow sleep animation
    Last edited by midifidler; 08-16-2012 at 05:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru Fatlimey's Avatar
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    Don't go down the "change the MIDI channel" route, instead offer the ability to change the USB-MIDI "cable number" instead.

    A graphic of the "Ableton Mode/ Traktor Mode" in the editor to help people see the difference.

    Visual editor for the dead zones, second-CC on and off points, and note positions with draggable handles.

    Guess note-on velocity using the accelerometer. Even just 4 levels of velocity would be good. Requires a fast timer and a short sample buffer for each hit.

    A mode in the editor that writes out the MIDI notes and CCs that are being activated in real-time, superimposed over a picture of the device. Make the MIDI messages conctrete in people's minds.

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    Default tilt ad left sides midi ... damping , etc...

    i m new to mf3D. Just tried it today with some spotlights. and its really convincing. Its a great tool you have created

    the CC rotary function is simply fantastick. it beats any other controller about it smoothness, precision and intuitiv way.

    I have a couple of suggestions, and please dont care about it if those topics where already treated:

    - it would be great to obtain such quality of control than with the rotary function, but for the Chan 4 function: tilt down up, and side left side right.
    The data is really to much sensitiv, and some damping algorythm behind would be great.

    - other thing, for softwares with midi learn function and quick live affectation, its quite difficult to assign the good signal in the bundle of informations coming. If i turn a rotary and i m not on a plane, i will have tilt functions appearing . Sometimes assignation is done on the fly while performing.
    So, I would like to have a combo like 3 button pressed= MUTE tilt-side and left-right side sending, this to enable a simple and quick midi learn on the fly with any software.

    - Absolute Relativ function: would be great to enable disable this mode it by another Combo, as for certain controls i need both function on same device.

    voilą ;-)
    Last edited by karistouf; 05-22-2012 at 08:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Asking for combo creation from mf utility:

    If i want to create personnal combos, i would like to set them from utility exe.

  5. #5
    Tech Convert
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    Hi there.
    I have performed those two days with MF3D and Lighting .

    I had a couple of bug reports, and a couple of suggestions or subject to talk about.

    What is not ok:

    -the sleeping mode of the MF3D with its leds warming nicely. I would like to have a a disable mode in the MF utility. Especially if my gyros are affected to lights.

    -flashing the MF3D from the MF utility . i had 2 times a strange behaviour ( im windows): - updating by two quick clicks, creates a bug: the MF3D is not uploaded, it appears in my device list, but cant be connected: the USB port is blocked and not freed.

    - manipulations:
    1. creating the error by updating device with a double click, or two quick clicks ( 1st update not finished -> its where there is something to do ;-))
    2. quitting the mf utility
    3. opening the software using it
    4. the MF3D can be seen in the devices list, but cant be connected
    5. closing third party software, opening MF utility : it says there is no MF3D connected.
    6. To try to solve this, i disconnected my MF3D usb cable, then reconnected 5 seconds after. Still same troubles. opening MF utility : it says there is no MF3D connected.
    7. To solve this i had to change form usb port.
    8. It was recognized, and so i could update correctly MF3D.

    So There is something on this bug with USB port and updating...

    Suggestions or things i would really like to have:

    I would like to balance one CC from left and right angling manipulation. Actually its 2 CC, i would like to enable a special mode to render 1 CC.
    There is a dead point (for stability needs) that is really big. would that be possible to define the 0°angle point for user ( to make the tilt effectiv more quicker)

    Combos: avaibility to create in the MF utility my personnal combos

    Compass on CC ( rotating): would be great to enable a more little mouvement of rotation. Its quite a long throw to go from 0 to 127. It would be great to change the curve in MF 3D per Control.

    Voilą !

    Good thing:
    Oh boys thats a terrible controller, it really enables smooth control. And for Pad buttons: really great work. I am very happy of the MF3D. really best controller innovation of the two last years !

  6. #6


    Just a suggestion, and possibly not a very urgent one, but it would be nice to have a section of the midi fighter utility that allows programming various light patterns on a MF3D. I've done it manually by creating the required midi clips to produce particular effects, but it's rather tedious, time-consuming, and counter-intuitive. Something similar to the section that controls active/inactive colors, but with options for the various animations as well...?

  7. #7
    Tech Guru basspenetrator's Avatar
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    would it be possible - when the hid mode for the remix decks comes out - to have a half midi half hid mode where e.g. bank 3&4 are for the remix decks and 1&2 for the MF3D IG mapping?!
    Setup: TP 3, Kontrol S5, MF Twister, MF3D, MF Classic, DIY-Midifighter, Aiaiai Tma-1
    formerly know as weltraumpapst

  8. #8
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
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    This would be pretty time consuming to implement in a manner which is intuitive to al users so that is unlikely to happen unfortunately, its a cool idea though!


    Thanks for you suggestion, ill keep it in mind, one issue is that the F1's are set as 1 deck controllers, the only way to switch decks is to unplug the unit and connect it again.

    So if I did add the ability to make certain banks remix (HID) and other banks MIDI the HID banks would all control the same remix deck.

    I can say at this stage the device will still send all the usual midi commands, but you will have the capability of assigning most of the F1 HID functions to any of the buttons as well by using the MF utility.

  9. #9
    Tech Guru basspenetrator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midifidler View Post

    Thanks for you suggestion, ill keep it in mind, one issue is that the F1's are set as 1 deck controllers, the only way to switch decks is to unplug the unit and connect it again.

    So if I did add the ability to make certain banks remix (HID) and other banks MIDI the HID banks would all control the same remix deck.

    I can say at this stage the device will still send all the usual midi commands, but you will have the capability of assigning most of the F1 HID functions to any of the buttons as well by using the MF utility.
    that sounds good.. even controlling one remix deck via one bank and have the other 3 banks control whatever you want via midi would be awesome..
    Setup: TP 3, Kontrol S5, MF Twister, MF3D, MF Classic, DIY-Midifighter, Aiaiai Tma-1
    formerly know as weltraumpapst

  10. #10
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
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    I've been thinking about this a bit more and I think the way I will do it is make it so the user can use the utility to select one of the side buttons as being a control to toggle between remix mode and normal mode using the utility. That will enable remix control to be easily used along side any existing user mapping.

    Does that sound good to you?

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