MF3D Launcher - Advanced Ableton Mapping (script) - Page 5
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  1. #41
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Hi guys,
    I was wondering if there is an als file for this template. I can't seem to launch the same session setup that Tomash has. If anyone could help that would be great. Thanks.

  2. #42


    Hey Tomash, care to help me editing the mapping please?

    Basically right now, when I load an effect to a channel or any of my clips (say Ping Pong Delay), and I want to control just one parameter with one of the tilts (say Feedback / Forward), the rest of the parameters within the effect get automatically mapped to the other tilts (Beat Division / Backwards, Bandpass filter / Left, etc).

    Not sure if this is the way it was intended but it isn´t working out for me.
    What is it that I need to edit on the script to disable this please?


  3. #43
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Hey everybody,
    My apologies for the late reply.

    Great video you've got there Chico! You've don an amazing job.
    As for your edit I think you could just MIDI Learn the Forward tilt to the Feedback parameter, this should disable the Forward tilt from auto mapping and remain locked on the Feedback parameter while the rest will continue auto mapping as usual. Also if you put your devices in racks and map the macro knobs to the parameters you want its a lot easier with the automap function as it maps the first 4 parameters. You can easily arrange them by remapping the macro knobs.

    Unfortunately I don't have much time to make a video on editing the scripts, but this will help a lot anyone interested, this is basically from where I got started.

    Pierre, as I mentioned in my email, this is not a DJ template but just a mapping script. So you can use it with any project or available template.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by ghztomash View Post
    Great video you've got there Chico! You've don an amazing job.
    Thanks man! I appreciate that...

    Quote Originally Posted by ghztomash View Post
    I think you could just MIDI Learn the Forward tilt to the Feedback parameter, this should disable the Forward tilt from auto mapping and remain locked on the Feedback parameter while the rest will continue auto mapping as usual. Also if you put your devices in racks and map the macro knobs to the parameters you want its a lot easier with the automap function as it maps the first 4 parameters. You can easily arrange them by remapping the macro knobs.
    Dude I´ve tried it and is just not working for me. I would much rather disable altogether the automapping... how could I do that please?

  5. #45
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2011


    Hi, I was wondering if this script can work for the MF spectra?

  6. #46
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Chico Valencia View Post
    Dude I´ve tried it and is just not working for me. I would much rather disable altogether the automapping... how could I do that please?
    To disable the automapping open up the and set all the PARAMCONTROL values to -1. That should do the trick

  7. #47
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by login View Post
    Hi, I was wondering if this script can work for the MF spectra?
    This script stretches out across 4 banks on the MF3D, I haven't checked the Spectra, but if there is a way to switch between 4 banks you should be able to get it working. Or else you will just have the first page working..

  8. #48
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ghztomash View Post
    This script stretches out across 4 banks on the MF3D, I haven't checked the Spectra, but if there is a way to switch between 4 banks you should be able to get it working. Or else you will just have the first page working..
    yes it has, with the side buttons.

    Also, have you tested it in live 9?

  9. #49
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2011


    BY the way, someone got the F1 working with Live and sending RGB feedback,

    SO maybe look in to that script to see check what the problem was with the implementation you were working with the MF.

  10. #50
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2012


    You will have to remove some of the already mapped functionality of the side buttons then.. But if the MIDI values are the same as the MF3D it should totally work, If you manage to get it working let me know!

    No I haven't had the chance to test Live 9 yet..

    Thanks a lot! That definitely looks like something worth taking a look at!

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