help! map a midi note to a switch on ableton live
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert chulini's Avatar
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    valparaiso, chile

    Default help! map a midi note to a switch on ableton live

    Hi guys!
    i have some trouble mapping a MIDI note on ableton live (8 btw).

    When i map a MIDI note to a switch button (of/off an effect, vst, or whatever) on ableton live.

    By default:
    when I press the note, the switch goes on, when i release the note, nothing happens.
    if i press the note again, the switch goes off, I release the note, nothing happens.

    (i guess the name of that is toggle mode)

    That is ok, but what i want is a different thing.

    I want that:
    when I press the note, the switch goes on, when i release the note, the switch goes off.
    (i guess the name of that is moment mode)

    anyone know how to map a midi note to a switch on moment mode??

    btw, my controller is an m-audio axiom25 but i don't think the problem is the controller because it release notes correctly.


  2. #2
    Tech Student
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    Jul 2011


    Same problem with m-audio x-session pro and traktor 1.2.5. I am test "learn mode" and i can't found "note". Only "CC". And i can't use any maps from techtools.
    Think problem with midi driver. Soon i would reinstall windows xp. Hope it help to me.
    ps. toggle mode doesn't work correctly too.

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
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    Nov 2008


    Its not currently supported to have a midi note that acts as a momentary, what exactly are you trying to specifically, there may be a workaround that can be suggested....


  4. #4
    Tech Mentor No Left Turn's Avatar
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    San Francisco, CA


    To have the desired functionality, a button/pad on your controller needs to send a MIDI CC instead of a MIDI note. With a controller like the Trigger Finger, this is pretty easy to reconfigure using the Enigma software. I'm not sure if other controllers can do this as easily.
    MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Core i7 :: Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.10.5
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Possible workaround

    Quote Originally Posted by chulini View Post
    I want that:
    when I press the note, the switch goes on, when i release the note, the switch goes off.
    (i guess the name of that is moment mode)

    anyone know how to map a midi note to a switch on moment mode??
    The workaround that I use is awkward, but does work (Apologies if this is well-known now, but there wasn't an answer in this thread).

    Here's what you do.

    1. Go into MIDI Map Mode in Ableton.
    2. Select the parameter to be controlled ('Play' is a good example)
    3. Press and hold the MIDI Note (key on keyboard, button on controller, etc)
    4. Exit MIDI Map mode.
    5. Release the MIDI Note.

    The mapping should now be assigned to just the Note On message. ('Play' is a good way of testing this. If you press and release the note in learn mode, then you get two Play events. If you hold down the note and exit learn mode, then you get one Play event.)

    You need to move your hands between the mouse, the keyboard shortcut and the keyboard/controller, but it quickly becomes automatic. On my MIDI Fighter 3D, I assign the buttons to things like effects power-switches, so I can turn them on an off, as well as the Play and Stop keys...

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