The Ultimate FX Thread - Page 22
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  1. #211
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    That's what I'm talking about... Only 8 modifiers per device is pretty limiting. What you could do is to add new mapping device to get another set of modifiers and map supercombo in there.

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Mapping on F1

    I want to map buttons to start FX and then use the encoder knob to change it. How do I do this? I don't really have any idea how to do mappings, but am a quick learner. I basically want to build an entire mapping for the F1 so it compliments the MF instagrat mapping (using FX that aren't triggered by the MF basically)


  3. #213
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Hey Stewe,

    This may or may not be of help, but just to clarify, I was having the same issue as GinjA. I wanted to map 5 buttons on my keyboard that simultaneously perform 2 functions:

    Place a Hotcue (Set Cue and Store as Next Hotue)
    Set Cue type (Cue Type Selector) that I could have dedicated buttons to instantly place cue, loop, fade-in/out, load markers etc. in a track at the touch of a button. This initially caused many problems for me due to the fact that on many occasions "Cue Type Selector" would trigger before "Set Cue and Store as Next Hotcue", thus changing the cue type of the LAST hotcue I had already placed. The only way to fix this is to have "Cue Type Selector" be inverted and occur after the cue has been placed...which is not possible as Traktor gives no invert option for this. I had originally tried your suggestion of setting a modifer to the trigger button with mode-hold and having "Cue Type Selector" conditioned to that modifier, but it unfortunately d seem to work. Here is the workaround that did eventually work for me.

    Instead of :

    Modifier / type-button / mode-hold / value 1

    map the same button twice

    Modifier / type-button / mode-direct / value 1
    Modifier / type-button / mode-reset / Option-invert

    This allowed me to invert a button that doesn't have the invert check box available. Hoping someone else can confirm this works for them...but here is a snapshot from traktor (wish Xtreme mapping supported keyboard templates )

    Last edited by rafiq; 04-11-2013 at 09:41 PM.

  4. #214
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Which Traktor version you're running? I found 2.6 being able to invert Cue Type Selector. So, no modifier needed to achieve your goal.

  5. #215
    Tech Mentor 0Notice's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post

    Which Traktor version you're running? I found 2.6 being able to invert Cue Type Selector. So, no modifier needed to achieve your goal.
    Stewe Is right here the modifier is unnecessary.
    Mapping Enthusiast
    S4 | X1 | F1 | MF3D

  6. #216
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2012


    2.6.1 which is the latest release.

    Odd that they would make such a peculiar change on this release . But the picture I provided CLEARLY shows the invert option is not there and that a modifier IS necessary. At least that is the case if it's set to Button-Direct (only option available for a keyboard mapping). Fader/Knob on a controller would allow for invert, but in the case of mapping a keyboard, the invert option is only available when I change it to Button-reset or inc/dec (both of which useless for my intended purpose). Are you sure you have the same settings that I've shown in the image?

  7. #217
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    The 2.6 and 2.6.1 are sharing the same mappings. Pretty sure...

  8. #218
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Instant Ramp Delay

    This is an effect that Dubfire uses a lot. I think it pretty cool for making transitions between tracks or for spicing up tracks on the fly.

    Make sure to set FX Unit in to single effect mode

    Button 1:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.500

    Button 2:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.650

    Button 3:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.800

    Button 4:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.950
    Last edited by Stewe; 05-02-2013 at 06:49 AM.

  9. #219
    Tech Mentor neilmcm's Avatar
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    falkirk scotland


    Stewe that sounds amazing can you share the commands for the buttons you have used.
    MBP 17 " , Allen & Heath Xone 92 , 2 X NI D2 , Midi Fighter Twister , MF3D , Maschine Mk2 , KRK RP6 G2 , Push , Technics 1210 mk2 , Aiaiai TMA-1 Studio Young Guru

  10. #220
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Thanks mate! I've added parameters in post under the video.

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