Oh, you got button 1 added with value 1!
Delete this command because all it does is to reset all the parameters in single FX mode. That should do it.
Good to know. In my video the post fader has not been used.
Hey guys!
I'm having a hard time with smart knobs....
Tried to search but with no succes (doesn't even know how to title this problem)
I totally understand the basic on how to map them...no problem here
My problem is that in order for them to work properly, I must engage them with the knobs set to 0 (full CCW)
What I would like to have is a mix between direct and relative knobs
FX unit 3 group mode controlled by a smart knob (activated by a button)
I kill the fx unit 3 with knob fully CCW (0.0) but kicks in back with full cw(1.0) (since the knob is also used in FX UNIT 1)
the d/w is set to direct so no problem here
but knobs 1,2,3 are in relative...here comes the mess, it destroys my settings
if for example knob 1 is gater and what I want is .5 to .7 from fully CCW to fully CW
if I turn off at .5 (fully ccw) and bring the unit on but with the knob fully CW...I am still at .5 so turning to left will decrease the value to about .3
but what I want is to have the setting automatically set to .7 if the knob is set to fully CW (I want the value to correspond with the hardware)
Maybe I'm missing something
Maybe it's the fonction that I don't understand "FX STORE PRESET"
I tough it had something to do with the checkbox "RESTORE PARAMETERS AFTER WHEN SWITCHING FX" but apparently from what I've tried tonight it has nothing to do with that
Can you help me!
Hope you understand my explanations!
THANKS a lot!
I believe that you need a peace of hardware such as MFpro that has superfaders which also sends a note at bottom as well as another note at the top of fader apart from standard CC. That way you could map gater to instantly jump to value 0.5 when you slam it all the way down and map your CC in relative mode so the parameter reaches 0.7 when you pull it all the way up.
Although, it could be that I didn't understand what you're trying to achieve..
What I try to achieve is something based on certain jog fx mapping I've seen...but I want to do that on a knob/fader instead of an encoder
d/w 0 to 1 (direct mode no problem here)
effect1 0.5 to 0.7 (relative)
effect2 0.2 to 1 (relative)
effect3 0 to 1 (direct mode no problem here)
My problem is that for full turn of a hardware knob I want a certain range of value
The only way I could figure it out is to use the relative mode and it works...
The problem is that i need to have the knob turn all the way down before activating the FX unit otherwise it moves my range values....
In other words what I would need is a direct mode but with ajustable range instead 0 to 1
IS there's something to do or is it a limitation to Traktor
Hope it's clearer than my previous post?
THANKS a lot for your help!!!
You can use one button to set start values before using knob to manipulate effects but not the knob itself... Unless your controller is equipped with superfaders as I mentioned before.
OK thanks...
I know how to set start values with buttons but I had hopes that I could achieve something else kinda like the jog FX of the VCI-400SE (I looked at the mapping and when you turn on a jog FX you have your 3 effects set at values and you build from there with the encoder(JOG))
In my case it would have been 4 buttons and 4 dedicated knobs....instead of 4 buttons and 1 jog
I would have been able to go from a fully built effect to another one at which ever value I wanted...full to full or full to naught etc...
Another TRAKTOR limitation I guess...
Could someone explain what the FX STORE PRESET does exactly...how the events happens with or without it
after that I think I'll be OK to restart working my mapping
Well I had same idea for my CNTRL:R mapping except for I didn't use any buttons. I've mapped a modifier to fader, but in the way that it jumps to value 1 only when fader is at 0% and soon as I move it up and all the way to 100% the value switches to 0. This means if I add i.e. FX parameter value 0.5 > map it to knob > dedicate modifier condition M=1...
I move fader all down (M=1) and as I start to bring it in the parameter start point has been activated. Then I have mapped all the relative controls to M=0. TADA
But setting that modifier behavior was pain and there isn't a steady recipe for it since not every controller has the same resolutions.
It save an effect snapshot. This command rule if you want for example two buttons to change effect, set value and activate different effects in same FX slot.Could someone explain what the FX STORE PRESET does exactly...how the events happens with or without it
after that I think I'll be OK to restart working my mapping