The Ultimate FX Thread - Page 32
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  1. #311


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    This is an effect that Dubfire uses a lot. I think it pretty cool for making transitions between tracks or for spicing up tracks on the fly.

    Make sure to set FX Unit in to single effect mode

    Button 1:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.500

    Button 2:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.650

    Button 3:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.800

    Button 4:
    Unit On = hold
    Button 2 = 0
    Button 3 = 1
    D/W = 0.550
    Knob 1 = 0.700
    Knob 2 = 0.350
    Knob 3 = 0.950
    Stewe - sorry I'm bugging ya all week. Mapped it per your parameters, but it's working only like a freeze...what am I missing...obviously, I added the other aspects as far as FX on, FX selector, etc.

    Any help would be appreciated...

    MacBook w/ OS X 10.7.5; Traktor Pro 2.6 (Product Owner); Traktor Kontrol s4 w/ Flight Case; MidiFighter 3D; Numark Omni Control (4 Sale); AiAiAi TMA-1 Beatport Edition; Sennheiser HD 205 & Monoprice Premium Hi-Fi DJ Style Over-the-Ear Pro Headphone as Backups

    Current Progressive/Electro/Vocal House Mixes:

  2. #312
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    No worries, I'm glad to help. This is important line: Button 2 = 0

  3. #313


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    No worries, I'm glad to help. This is important line: Button 2 = 0
    Stewe - I guess I needed a night of sleep. I am 99.99% positive I set it to zero but it wasnt working. Tweaked a few things this morning and got it to work perfectly.

    Thanks again! Really appreciate the help...
    MacBook w/ OS X 10.7.5; Traktor Pro 2.6 (Product Owner); Traktor Kontrol s4 w/ Flight Case; MidiFighter 3D; Numark Omni Control (4 Sale); AiAiAi TMA-1 Beatport Edition; Sennheiser HD 205 & Monoprice Premium Hi-Fi DJ Style Over-the-Ear Pro Headphone as Backups

    Current Progressive/Electro/Vocal House Mixes:

  4. #314
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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  5. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post

    Nice best wishes !

  6. #316
    Tech Wizard
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    Stewe, you are nuts. Happy New Year to you too!

    I didnīt take a look at DJTT for a couple of month so I totally missed this thread. Just tried out your Tape Delay Mapping and my mind is pretty blown away. It works and sounds just awesome! Also I got so much inspiration in building some own stuff, e.g. I was not really aware of the importance of sensitivity of encoders. I just thought some sort of FX would not have been available in Traktor.

    Next I will try to understand your automized routines, but this is something for tomorrow.

    Just one single question or letīs say two. Is there a limitation in numbers of commands Traktor can work on simultaneously? Or does it cause latency issues or even increase the risk of crashes at a certain amount!? So maybe some of the commands, esp. the selection of FX and fixed parameters can be outsourced on a 2nd command, e.g. a shift command on the same button? I am using 2 Xone K2s for FX, Transport, Hotcues, Looping and split them up in two columns per Deck. I also enable/disable the FX Units in the Mixer section on the same button I activate the FX (as I donīt want to bother with assigning FX Units), so using 4 FX Units makes me need 16 Commands just for assigning the FX Units to the decks.. just wonder if too many commands donīt work properly or cause any other problems in Traktor.

    Question number two is pretty basic as well. Is there a number of Devices I can add without loosing performance? So if I ran out of modifiers, I just could put the next page on a new Device. Does this have any disadvantages in the usage!?

    Thatīs it from me for today. Thanks a lot again for your contribution!

  7. #317
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryukyu View Post
    Stewe, you are nuts. Happy New Year to you too!

    I didnīt take a look at DJTT for a couple of month so I totally missed this thread. Just tried out your Tape Delay Mapping and my mind is pretty blown away. It works and sounds just awesome! Also I got so much inspiration in building some own stuff, e.g. I was not really aware of the importance of sensitivity of encoders. I just thought some sort of FX would not have been available in Traktor.

    Next I will try to understand your automized routines, but this is something for tomorrow.

    Just one single question or letīs say two. Is there a limitation in numbers of commands Traktor can work on simultaneously? Or does it cause latency issues or even increase the risk of crashes at a certain amount!? So maybe some of the commands, esp. the selection of FX and fixed parameters can be outsourced on a 2nd command, e.g. a shift command on the same button? I am using 2 Xone K2s for FX, Transport, Hotcues, Looping and split them up in two columns per Deck. I also enable/disable the FX Units in the Mixer section on the same button I activate the FX (as I donīt want to bother with assigning FX Units), so using 4 FX Units makes me need 16 Commands just for assigning the FX Units to the decks.. just wonder if too many commands donīt work properly or cause any other problems in Traktor.

    Question number two is pretty basic as well. Is there a number of Devices I can add without loosing performance? So if I ran out of modifiers, I just could put the next page on a new Device. Does this have any disadvantages in the usage!?

    Thatīs it from me for today. Thanks a lot again for your contribution!
    Hey dude, I'm glad you found a good use of some of my mapping parameters in here! I'll be also glad to see what other usages of traktor FX mapping can you find based on that concept.

    1) There are no limitations of that kind but mapping can cause a latency issues only if your OS isn't optimized for DJing or if your computer doesn't meet Traktor system requirement. And yes, the shift button is pretty easy to set up by using a simple hold type modifier (search the site for modifier basics).

    2) That's a good question. The number of devices can not affect the actual performance while playing out. On second side, working with multiple devices (10 and more (even blank ones wtf)) can indeed slow on loading Traktor, opening your preferences window and loading mappings/devices. Hopefully Traktor Pro 3 would improve some of this aspects and add some more modifiers so we wouldn't be forced to add more and more devices to the mapping.

    My automated FX sequences are hard to design and therefore also a pain to explain in simple so let's just leave it be there waiting for NI to incorporate this sort of functionality in the future updates.

  8. #318
    Tech Wizard
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    Yeah, I found that out with multiple LED stuff etc.. I use one partition for Traktor only and everything is optimized for audio usage. Using an i5 2,5 GHz with 8 GB RAM, so I hope, I wonīt get any issues with latency in the near future.

    Iīm pretty common with modifiers and mappings in Traktor I think. Used to do quiet some mapping on different controllers and did some mappings for friends and their stuff. I was sure I know pretty a lot about this shit until I saw what YOU did.. But modifiers are common to me.

    I was about to use Ableton for FX with my new setup, esp. for Delays as I love the sounds of the Lexicon PSP42 plugin so much. And I didnīt think you could setup something similar for Traktor.

    10 Devices is quiet a lot. I will try to merge what I can then. On the other hand itīs pretty handy to use a lot of devices as you can simply adjust your mappings very fast when you want to make any changes. But I guess I will save stuff like the Tape Delay in one mapping and then merge it with another to reduce the load issue.

    Did you upload a tsi for your automation routine somewhere? Or did you keep this for yourself?

    Guess it will take me some time until I got something worth sharing here, but I will probably upload my K2 mapping here..

  9. #319
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    I've started one for the Spectra that's still under construction. When I have more time I'll look into it more and once it's perfect I'll share to community for sure. Maybe NI would beat to it

    Feel free to post your stuff man. This thread is all about inspiring people to get more from Traktor effects!

    we need more cool updates to keep this thread rocking.

  10. #320
    Tech Mentor 0Notice's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post

    Feel free to post your stuff man. This thread is all about inspiring people to get more from Traktor effects!

    we need more cool updates to keep this thread rocking.
    Mapping Enthusiast
    S4 | X1 | F1 | MF3D

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