Upgrading VCI400 SE EGE Firmware for Mac?
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
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    Nov 2012
    Seattle, WA

    Default Upgrading VCI400 SE EGE Firmware for Mac?

    Was looking around at possibilities for this, I do have a PC and Mac so its not a major issue, but would be nice to do it all on my mac. I searched and found this which is for the VCI 400 and for mac. I'm unsure as to whether this should work or not, not trying to brick my VCI 400 EGE.
    Was also thinking of trying to run for Windows version in Wine

  2. #2


    how to upgrade the firmware on the VCI 400 EGE for MAC
    how to find out the version of the firmware on the VCI 400 EGE
    MBP 13", VCI 300, Itch 2.2, TSP 1.2.4, VCI 400 EGE, TSP 2.6, HD 25

  3. #3
    MBP 13", VCI 300, Itch 2.2, TSP 1.2.4, VCI 400 EGE, TSP 2.6, HD 25

  4. #4


    something from http://forum.djtechtools.com/showthread.php?t=56619
    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
    Here is the email response that I received from DJTT several days ago regarding the stand alone mixer firmware update:

    The audio firmware update has been live for a while. Sorry, I probably wasn't clear before in that it's something Vestax did and works on both normal and SE models the same. You can find the download link to flash the new audio firmware on your SE here: http://www.vestax.com/v/products/det...86&parent_id=8

    The audio firmware and midi firmware are separated so this won't effect the SE Midi. We just haven't written about it and covered it extensively yet because we are trying to get some firmware tweaks from Vestax and then will discuss everything when it's all ready in a post on the blog.

    Hope this helps. Sorry again for the confusion. Thanks for your support of DJ Techtools, we appreciate it!


    Chris Lim // flashflooder
    MBP 13", VCI 300, Itch 2.2, TSP 1.2.4, VCI 400 EGE, TSP 2.6, HD 25

  5. #5


    New stand alone mixer function for the VCI-400!


    download the version 2 kit frm the bottom of the page n follow instuctions... there is for MAC too... i haven't tried it yet tho... just downloaded the kit...
    MBP 13", VCI 300, Itch 2.2, TSP 1.2.4, VCI 400 EGE, TSP 2.6, HD 25

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