Set preparations, what do you do?
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Default Set preparations, what do you do?

    I've got a gig coming up in a month and i've got an hour set for the night. I'm grabbing tunes to play and putting it into its own playlist. This is how i'm preparing haha. How do you guys prepare for a gig? What sort of organization/preparation do you guys go through?


  2. #2
    Tech Mentor protocollie's Avatar
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    personally, i put together a bag of tracks that's about 2-4 times longer than the timeslot i'm going to play depending on how confident i am about the crowd i'm playing for, organized from lowest energy to highest energy. if there's groups of tracks that i think go good in order i'll mark them with the same color in rekordbox when i put them next to each other. that's pretty much it, here.

    for my own sanity i also try and pick out two tracks that go really well together to start, so i can get the first mix out the way sounding good and calm my nerves. stage fright has never gone away no matter how long i play.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by protocollie View Post
    personally, i put together a bag of tracks that's about 2-4 times longer than the timeslot i'm going to play depending on how confident i am about the crowd i'm playing for, organized from lowest energy to highest energy. if there's groups of tracks that i think go good in order i'll mark them with the same color in rekordbox when i put them next to each other. that's pretty much it, here.

    for my own sanity i also try and pick out two tracks that go really well together to start, so i can get the first mix out the way sounding good and calm my nerves. stage fright has never gone away no matter how long i play.
    That sounds like a very simple way of doing it. I like the simplicity, and yet it still gives you options on ways to go during the mix. I might actually try this haha

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor protocollie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zygote View Post
    That sounds like a very simple way of doing it. I like the simplicity, and yet it still gives you options on ways to go during the mix. I might actually try this haha
    i like simple, cause imo no kind of prep beats really knowing the music going in. setting up the record bag is more of a way of making it easy to find the stuff you already know and figure out where you want to go in a pinch

  5. #5
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    I organised all my tunes into folders with a rating of intensity. From 1 to 4. Makes it a dream finding a track that goes well.

    Similar to what Protocollie does really. First gig at the weekend but not planning anything other than first track.

  6. #6
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    Did you use iTunes smart playlist or do you do it in Traktor?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zygote View Post
    Did you use iTunes smart playlist or do you do it in Traktor?
    I do it in itunes but by hand so I can decide what fits where. Sometimes it'll fit into both 2 and 3 for example. Being at the upper end of 2. Then I have the same folders in Traktor and just drag and drop them into it.

  8. #8
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    choose first track. drink.
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  9. #9
    Tech Guru AllDay's Avatar
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    I plan abit more, I will loosely plan the set with songs that work well. Probably have a peak 5-6 song selection of bangers that I have pre mixed and know works really well..

    Im trying to get into the more live, go with the flow feel tho

  10. #10
    Tech Guru Bassline Brine's Avatar
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    Like others said. I usually put together a set of 100 tracks or so, for an hour long set. I used MiK, so I gather a few select tracks from each key value, (like seven different 1A tracks, seven 2A tracks, ect ect) and then I throw my playlist on my iPod for the couple days before a gig, and listen to them non-stop when I can. Helps me get extra familiar with all of them.

    Then, when it's time to play, I usually just work my way around using the keys, picking and choosing which track I actually want to use based on the crowd, or what I feel would work best.

    It works for me.
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