Problem solved. I spoke directly with Vestax tech support. I was missing the Vestax Audio Control Panel, therefore, I hadn't done the firmware upgrade. The firmware upgrade was the key to my issue.
According to Vestax tech support,
This had nothing to do with my BIOS, USB, or my processor.
(Although if you read the fine print on Vestax's Troubleshooting manual, Vestax VCI-400s do not support computers using an AMD processor. Not my case, but I thought that may be useful to some others here.)
Here are the steps I did:
- Download and install the Vestax Control Panel here
- Replace the original ASIO drivers with the updated version (UNINSTALL the original ASIO drivers first - DO NOT be lazy and overwrite the old ASIO with the new)
- Use the Vestax Audio Control Panel to update the firmware.
- Restart Windows. Restart the VCI-400. Restart Traktor.
- Load the updated official .tsi file from the Vestax website into Traktor. (optional)
Like magic, my CPU load is now 1/3 of what it was before the updates and upgrades. My playback is smooth and no longer bogs down when I activate other functions like the effects.
Now if you will excuse me a moment, I have a DJ battle to prep for. Later, y'all.
