Can i use these speakers to hear my dj setup? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor HighTopFade's Avatar
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    Daly City


    I'm not clear on what you are plugging into your channel 2. Are you using a vinyl turntable? I would get a bad buzz when plugging a turntable to a line level input.
    Used Record Shopper

  2. #12
    Tech Convert
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    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by HighTopFade View Post
    I'm not clear on what you are plugging into your channel 2. Are you using a vinyl turntable? I would get a bad buzz when plugging a turntable to a line level input.
    Hi, Sorry its not's a 'traditional' dj setup. Two turntables plugged into the phono inputs on the numark mixer, and the rca to jack cable going from the master output on the mixer to the active speaker audio input setup. I attached the photos in the previous posts to try and show this.
    Im not sure what you mean about getting the buzz when plugging into a line level as i plugged it into the phono input? I just meant that the buzz only comes when I use channel 2 on my mixer, when i plug that same turntable deck into channel 1 phono i hear nothing. And the buzz does switch speakers when i switch the output cables around. I can also control the volume of the buzz with the channel 2 volume/gain knobs. With this information could you tell me if the problem is with the mixer, or cables or something else? Thanks!

  3. #13
    Tech Convert
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    Feb 2013


    Just an update on this. I just plugged my ipod in to test another audio source. Unfortunately I only have one RCA to jack cable, so I cannot test if the output is broken on the mixer and if that is causing the buzz, or if i need to buy new speakers as I need that cable to plug the ipod in. But the results were interesting...I could hear the ipod in my headphones when plugged into the channel 1 (which caused the buzz) but could hear nothing when plugged into channel 2. What do you think this means?
    I guess tomorrow I could buy another cable and then test the mp3 in channel 1 and the output using the speakers.

    I thought buzz normally comes from the ground cables, or a connection but ive tried various cables and nothing works.The grounds are connected to the decks and the mixer and when I remove the ground cable from the mixer the buzz does get louder.

    I live in Spain and my mixer is from the UK, could this have something to do with it..different levels of current or something, or that plug outlets in Spain aren't grounded or something!? Thanks, Elliot

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