Looking to make music
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru TommyQuiet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Looking to make music

    hi looking to get more in to making my own songs
    i can do slow simple stuff like heres a video and song i made

    but i want to get more in the style of electro/house

    i listen to deadmau5 and his songs sound so simple
    but i try to keep the same beat for a whole song it just sounds boring
    but somehow he makes it sound good

    just upgraded to ableton 8 as well so if anyone has tips on how to make my own electro house songs then that would be great.

  2. #2


    try sonicacademy.com they have some training using abelton and I beleive ther eone that called sound like deadmau5. they show you how to build a deadmau5-esc sounding track. it not free but it might be a good first step in the right direction for you.

    Alternatively look on youtube for Timofey this kids notorious for deconstructing popular electro house songs in abelton you might learn a few things from watching his videos.


  3. #3


    ohh and someone just posted this today


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