Best way to rip audio from Youtube? (not for the reason you think!!) - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    If you want to rip mp3 from youtube with high quality, be prepared to pay for it, because no freeware can rip the audio without doing damage to the sound quality.
    Still, to pay for a streaming audio recorder is very likely cheaper than youtube premium in the long term.
    I think tuneskit music capture would be the best option, because it can record the audio from youtube without sound quality loss. In other words, what you hear is what you get. It also provides a discount now, which can be found here:

  2. #22
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Default Rip Audio from Youtube

    Y2Mate app is the best but not availabe for iOS..Only Andoid and Windows

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