Hey guys,
is there a quicker way of loading lazer samples into F1 than to drag/drop every sound individually. Its quiet time consuming..Selecting all sounds and dragging them into remix decks does not work unfortunately.
Hey guys,
is there a quicker way of loading lazer samples into F1 than to drag/drop every sound individually. Its quiet time consuming..Selecting all sounds and dragging them into remix decks does not work unfortunately.
It's still quicker than posting on a forum and then waiting for a response... ;-)
DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO
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really? its too time consuming to do the prep work and create the "remix pack" that you can just load later on instantly at anytime?
lol ur killin me
Load them into the deck slots you need them to be
then save that pack as an F1 lazer pack or remix deck set.
Then anytime you want to use it later on, just load the pack file or remix file and they will all load into the slots you choose the first time.
Im sorry if i seem a little short but it just gets me and maybe im thinking to hard on it that the more creative outlet this technology allows us, there are still TONNS of people who want it to be "just add water"
If you buy fruityloops, there is a disclaimer and i think its the best one yet.
Just because you guy the best DAW or technology on the market, it wont make you a perfect of GREAT dj / producer.
If you sucked yesterday, you are still going to suck.
Do the work to get better and you wont suck anymore
Podcasting 101: How to get into iTunes (the Q&A thread)on DJTT Antifmradio.com
Thanks for your responsei guess you are right. But select them all and then drag/drop option would be quiete usefull, sine you could just delete the ones you dont like and safe time.
ur right Bennet however if you selected them all and dropped them
how would the files know who goes in 1st 2nd 3rd slot?
Dont worry man, trust me, it is much easier this way because you dont always want all your drums lets say in the first column going top to bottom
Sometimes you want a drum hit in the TOP cell of each column
If it was a full drag and drop, ud spend hours moving things around from cell to cell.
This way you can apply them to location in the begining and then each time you load the single pak file
they all sit where you need them
Podcasting 101: How to get into iTunes (the Q&A thread)on DJTT Antifmradio.com
You can even set a mapping command and dedicate any keyboard button to save your remix deck.
Super easy![]()