Music Discovery/Where to Find Tracks - Page 6
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  1. #51
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CQtheConqueror View Post
    Sup keithace, I found a great website that I use for finding live sets and podcasts its called I stumbled upon when I was looking for music myself...fell in love ever since. You should check it out, as far as record pools I use only pay $12 dollars a months and I've found some really good tracks on there.
    That site is mentioned in my first post. It's my go to for finding live sets. Love that place.
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  2. #52
    Tech Wizard Paul Margiotis's Avatar
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    Charlotte, USA


    My favorite place is SoundCloud. I also use Beatport. There are great music channels on YouTube, too.
    "There are no two words more harmful in the English language than 'good job.'"
    — Terence Fletcher, Whiplash

  3. #53
    Tech Wizard
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    Nov 2011


    beatport pro 2 app is a timesaver for me

  4. #54
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Why so? I haven't used it yet....
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  5. #55
    Tech Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    Why so? I haven't used it yet....
    Its not bad at all. You can preview your wishlists and 'my beatport' right from the app, and then buy them from the app as well. The interface is decent and pretty fast.

    Its much more efficient for previewing hundreds of songs than the website.

  6. #56
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    I guess I will have to check it out then. The new site is a little wonky...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
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  7. #57
    Tech Wizard
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    i added all lables/artist what i could be interested in 'my beatport', with great filter system of this app and possibility setting of 'my beatport' artists/lables in colour it's much easier now to check stuff what really interesting to me

  8. #58
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    its laggy on my big time..
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  9. #59
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    I D/L'd and tried it a while back. I can see why some would like it.

    But, like you found keithace, it was very slow on my machine...
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
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    Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!

  10. #60
    Tech Convert
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    Jul 2013


    My methods seem to be very similar to the rest of you. I'd search Soundcloud and source out any material I like then head over to Beatport and add it to the hold bin. Any mixes I listen to on Mixcloud etc and really enjoy I'll source the tracklist and again head over to Beatport and add it to my hold bin if available. While on Beatport I'll scan through the latest releases in my favourite Genres and see what else is about, I'll also scan through some charts/playlist from my favourite DJ's/Producers and again add anything I like into the hold bin and then normally I come across a tune I really like from a label I've never heard of before so i'll check out that label on Beatport too and see if there is anything else there I could add to the hold bin, basically just joining the dots as I go along, a lot of people criticise Beatport but if you use it I find it plays a useful role in sourcing out music.. Of course though I'll go over my hold bin and narrow down my collection to the ones I really want and finally head over to other sites like Juno or Trackitdown and see if I can bring the total price down.

    Other than that I'm always keeping an eye out on social media, I have plenty of like minded people on there when it comes to music and they're always sharing new music, I've came across some of my absolute favourites this way. I think that's pretty much it from me, I guess youtube is a pretty powerful tool for this as well, as you can draw up playlists and stuff as you go but I don't like to have to much going on as it starts to melt me out. As I said above I join the dots between genres, charts/playlists and labels as I go along picking out any music relevant to me.

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