VCI-400 EGE Sound card shit the bed. Can it be replaced?
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Unhappy VCI-400 EGE Sound card shit the bed. Can it be replaced?

    So, I've had my vci400 for like 4 years and everything has working been pretty well with the occasional replacement of volume faders. I was jamming one night last week on Traktor, shut everything down. Then when I tried in the morning, I selected the vci400 as my soundcard and NO AUDIO. Nothing. From anywhere. The midi functions still work just fine. For my gigs I have been using an external sound card (MOTU Microbook) which works well, but I'd prefer to have an internal soundcard in my controller.

    Could I possibly have fried it by having my hardware synth (Arturia Minibrute) going into one of the inputs on the vci400? Has this ever happened to anyone before? From everything that I researched, I found that it was safe to plug directly in (and I monitor my levels appropriately).

    Is there any hope for being able to install a new hardware soundcard in the controller if this is indeed the problem?

    Thanks for your time.


  2. #2
    Tech Mentor Hi Im Shy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Tallahassee FL


    I have a VCI-400 non EGE and have never had a problem with the sound-card. It's weird to me that everything still functions but sound output. Have you tried a different computer? Can you still get output on the monitor/headphone channel? XLR's? TRS's?

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