MidiFighter Twister - Change Encoder Settings via MIDI - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Production enviroment

    It would be awesome if we can change those settings on the fly.
    I don't think they're going to develop that because apparently the controller needs to restart, so it cannot be "on the fly" as Noofny said. (Thanks Noofny for your findings!)

    In a live enviroment its imposible but for a production enviroment maybe one can wait to the thing to restart after the new sysex is sent.

    It would be awesome to isolate the sysex chunks for each config and encoder to build some "snippets" and update that config on demand, besides the reset.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Applying the "Has Detent" or "Detent Color" property on the fly would be extremely useful for DAW integrations that quickly map a control between various bipolar and non-bipolar plugin parameters.

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