Firmware FAQ and Upgrade Solutions - Page 5
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  1. #41
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EuphoricF View Post
    does anybody know if it is possible to do the fw-upgrade with Parallels running Windows XP on a mac?
    Ordered my firmware kit yesterday and am curious about this as well. I thought I read somewhere that you couldn't but I can't find that anywhere now. EDIT: Actually I would be booting in to XP SP3 not running parallels.

    EDIT (link was bad): I bought a Dynex DX-UBDB9 USB to serial cable from Best Buy. Hope it works.

    Update: it did
    Last edited by photojojo; 05-06-2010 at 12:46 PM.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  2. #42
    Tech Wizard
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    I used Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit with this cable: on Port 8.
    In the advanced Settings I set "enable serial port delay fix" with an value of 1000.
    Worked perfectly.
    Last edited by EuphoricF; 05-07-2010 at 01:49 PM.

  3. #43

    Default FINALLY got it...

    my first attempts were on a friends old pc with a serial port and i kept getting the time out error with #s 9800, 4200, etc (whatever they are...) - didn't work

    second attempts were on a pc with no serial port so i bought a usb to serial and had to install the driver for it to progress.

    on some whim i decided to use the pc for the power source for the vci 100 (i used my macbook as the power source on all previous attempts)and...

    it worked!

    whenever i used my mac as the power source, the lights would never flush the first time, i had to turn it off and on many times before it'd work. but then i would get the same error i mentioned above. when i finally plugged the vci-usb cable into the pc, the lights flushed on the first time and it upgraded immediately.

    thanks DJTT

  4. #44
    Tech Convert
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    Jun 2010

    Talking Use new cables/reset settings to default/don't forget to power the VCI properly

    VERY HAPPY to announce that after many delays in moving/shipping stuff etc and some serial cable trouble (Attempting 9600, Attempting 4800, Attempting 2400, Attempting 1200, Error No 15024: Boot failed) I managed to get the upgrade done! From now on I'm proudly rocking the VCI100SE 1.3!! Advice I can give: ONLY use new serial cables and try resetting the serial port settings to default in windows' device manager.

    As a shameless (perhaps?) celebration plug I'd like to showcase what kind of mad stuff will be mashed live with the newly modded gear, this is from last weekend in Bratislava:

    If someone needs help flashing a new firmware near this place I can probably help out, left the upgrade kit at home! Possibly even Amsterdam/Rotterdam, DM me.

  5. #45
    Tech Student
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    Default No Luck with Firmware 1.3 Upgrade, after many attempts

    Hello, I received the 1.3 kit and tried to install it and I have not been successful, I have checked the forms and I cannot get it to work, I get the following "most popular" error:

    'BOOT Mode' connection - using emulated interface
    Opening port 'COM7' ...
    Loading Comms DLL
    Loaded Comms DLL
    Initiating BOOT SCI sequence
    Attempting 9600
    Attempting 4800
    Attempting 2400
    Attempting 1200
    Error No 15024: Boot failed

    Here are the steps I took:

    1 - bought 2 sets of cables:

    - Nexxtech - Shielded RS-232 C Cable / DB9 male to DB9 Female Serial to Serial
    - Nexxtech - USB to Serial Port Cable

    2 - Unscrewed the VCI-100 apart, disconnected the cable harness (on the video) beside the place where you put the firmware kit.

    3 - Installed the Renesas Software (Flash Dev Tool Kit 4.05) on the computer.

    4 - Placed the Firmware Kit on the board

    5 - Connected the USB Cable to the VCI and left the VCI on off.

    6 - Selected the H8/300H h8 3052F (Inputted the 24)

    7 - Chose the correct COM PORT (Tried different COM Ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

    8 - Loaded the Firmware File 1.3 into Renesas

    9 - Connected VCI to computer with Serial to Serial cable.

    9 - Turned the VCI ON (none of the lights went on, so I guess it was on boot mode)

    10 - Hit Program Flash and got the error above, time and time and time again.

    I do not know what else to do and I am hoping anyone can help me, I tried the same steps above with the USB to Serial Cable, the computers were running Windows XP SP2 & 3), I even started the FDTAdvancedSetup.exe and put the delay to 1000, 2000, 3000 , 4000, 5000 and no luck.

    I appreciate your help on this.

    Thanks very much,


  6. #46


    I did everything that was not recommended : Windows 7 running in Parallels, on an Intel iMac, using a USB-Serial cable.

    And guess what ? After a few hours, it worked !

    First I had to enable USB connections in Parallels, so the program could recognize any new connections. Just to make sure Parallels was receiving the USB-Serial signal, and not OSX, I connected the cable and set the routing to Parallels.

    I then had to download and install a Windows 7 compatible PL-2303 driver from Prolific, so the cable showed up in the Device Manager without any "!"'s.

    FDT was now able to see the connected cable as COM3, and I was able to proceed. But then I got a 15024 boot failure during the update attempt. So I set the serial port delay to the recommended 1000, and boom. Mission accomplished.

    Thanks to Ean and the rest of the folks here on the forum !

  7. #47
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2009


    I have the DJTT Update Kit, USB2Serial Cable, Windows XP SP3

    worked at the first attempt for me, yeah

  8. #48
    Tech Student
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    Jul 2010


    After a week of trying different systems, and serial->serial, I managed to update to 1.3 with usb->serial on Eee PC, set on COM1 using port delay fix. And to mention, on this Eee when turned on VCI looked good as dead, but when pressed flash, it just did flash it Now it works perfect.
    Problem for me was, that I thought that boot mode = red jogs, as @ some posts it is mentioned as that. AND you must take power from the same computer as you flash from. Good luck.

  9. #49


    hey, i tried updating my firmware today with no luck so far. (usb - serial, i dont have a serial on my computer.) (just a cheap ebay cable though, maybe i should get a different one)

    i followed the directions as per the vid. (removed the cable harness, the techtools upgrader is in firmly so that aint the problem)

    i have changed the delay to 1000 (i also tried 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000)

    there are no lights on so im guessing im in boot mode (the computer doesnt seem to react when i plug the vci in though, is this meant to be the case in boot mode?)

    i have tried different COM ports (2, 3, 4, 5) didnt seem to make any difference. and i have been clicking 'scan for hardware changes after making changes.

    all of this and i still get an assortment of errors i get either a timeout error (not fixed by changing the delay) & most commonly 'Error No 15024: Boot failed'

    i have also tried the trick of holding it vertical, but nothing seems to work

    anyone ot any suggestions as to what to try next?

  10. #50
    Tech Wizard
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    Jul 2010


    Hello I got a question: If you tried to install this firmware and If you do something wrong Can you break the vci??
    Can you still using the 1.2 firmware??

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