VCI-400 Crossfader crapped out and constantly sending midi messages. Repair advice?
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  1. #1

    Default VCI-400 Crossfader crapped out and constantly sending midi messages. Repair advice?

    So I got to the bar yesterday and found out that I could no longer cross fade between songs. After trying to remap the controller, I ended up mapping the crossfader on my apc40 so I could get through the night. When the VCI-400 was just sitting in the booth, the midi messages light keeps blinking randomly, even when I'm not touching the controller.

    This morning, I cracked opened the VCI-400 just to see if the crossfader cable came loose or something. In Traktor, the crossfader is stuck in the middle, and when I try moving the crossfader with my mouse, it will jump back to the middle when I let it go. When I delete the mapping for the crossfader, I can move the fader in Traktor just fine. When I tried mapping the crossfader to the hi-EQ adjust on deck A, the knob exhibited the same behavior.

    What's very troubling is, when I unplug the crossfader from the PCB board, the VCI-400 still keeps sending sporadic messages to Traktor, and the crossfader is still stuck in the middle when its mapped...

    Now I'm worried that I have a toast PCB board in my VCI-400, unless its common for a loose cable to send sporadic messages when it isn't, or doesn't think its plugged into anything.

    Let me know guys!
    Ableton Live 9, Traktor, VCI-400, APC40, QuNeo, Lemur iOS

  2. #2


    Any ideas guys?
    Ableton Live 9, Traktor, VCI-400, APC40, QuNeo, Lemur iOS

  3. #3


    Just coming back to report - cleaning out the fader with rubbing alcohol did the trick. I realized that when I unplugged my channel faders from the board, they also started jumping around in Traktor, which showed me that the circuit in the fader was broken, not the board.

    I'm a happy VCI-400 owner again.
    Ableton Live 9, Traktor, VCI-400, APC40, QuNeo, Lemur iOS

  4. #4
    Tech Wizard DjRitam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Chicago, Illinois


    Saw your post before but I didn't want to reply until I had some solid research/any idea lol Glad you figured it out!

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