I need an update on DJing trend nowadays. - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mastah Kyler View Post
    Wow, that's interesting, thanks! The guy in a video was speaking my language, which took me by surprise.

  2. #12
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    You are right, even though it says 2012 under About section, it's been updated.

    I feel that after release of Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX things like Serato and Traktor for vinyl will become obsolete, together with other controllers that require a laptop.

    Things change quick in DJ world...
    that's a bold statement...

    After being away for ten years how can you honestly think something like that? You have no idea what is going on in the DJ world. You under estimate the number of people that use DVS and still love playing vinyl. There are still ALOT of vinyl only tracks and vinyl has seen a nice uptick recently. You should also know that alot of DJs are blurring the lines between DJing and Live performance with stems and remix decks. People like that prefer modular set ups and need laptops to use ableton and other software.

    Things do not change quick in the DJ world. Who told you that?
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
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  3. #13
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
    You haven't even tried looking for yourself, have you?
    not at all from my point of view...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    that's a bold statement...

    After being away for ten years how can you honestly think something like that? You have no idea what is going on in the DJ world. You under estimate the number of people that use DVS and still love playing vinyl. There are still ALOT of vinyl only tracks and vinyl has seen a nice uptick recently. You should also know that alot of DJs are blurring the lines between DJing and Live performance with stems and remix decks. People like that prefer modular set ups and need laptops to use ableton and other software.

    Things do not change quick in the DJ world. Who told you that?
    Okay, it just looks like it is going downhill because CDs are gone, it's all MP3s now and I haven't seen any new releases that favor vinyl lovers. Find me a video on Youtube that was recorder in 2016 and has at least 50k views, but it can't be a popular Dj, then I might change my mind. I know for sure that there are hundreeds of videos with over 100k views where some DJ mixes with a controller, CDJs.

  5. #15
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    youtube isnt a party, i dont watch djs i listen to them

  6. #16
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    If you are using YouTube views as a barometer, I can't do nuthin for ya man...

  7. #17
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    ^Points for the PE reference.
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
    Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO

    Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!

  8. #18
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    Alright, thanks everyone for participating.

  9. #19
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    Okay, it just looks like it is going downhill because CDs are gone, it's all MP3s now and I haven't seen any new releases that favor vinyl lovers. Find me a video on Youtube that was recorder in 2016 and has at least 50k views, but it can't be a popular Dj, then I might change my mind. I know for sure that there are hundreeds of videos with over 100k views where some DJ mixes with a controller, CDJs.
    Buying gear isn't a popularity contest...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  10. #20
    Tech Mentor Fango Jett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    Okay, it just looks like it is going downhill because CDs are gone, it's all MP3s now and I haven't seen any new releases that favor vinyl lovers. Find me a video on Youtube that was recorder in 2016 and has at least 50k views, but it can't be a popular Dj, then I might change my mind. I know for sure that there are hundreeds of videos with over 100k views where some DJ mixes with a controller, CDJs.
    You do realize that controllers are far more accessible these days than cdj's and turntables?


    1: Yes, there are still DJ's that use cd's although, the number is decreasing every year. One of the most common switches is from CD -> USB.

    2: The media players still have cd-drives for the DJ's that want to use them. From what I've heard, a cd drive isn't a big factor in the total production costs of a media player. Therefore, there is no reason for big manufacturers other than space not to include them. It will make them more money then it will cost them to include the drives.

    3: I am a DVS user myself, and I enjoy it. It gives the feeling of playing real vinyl without the costs and the logistical nightmares.

    4: The digital stuff is great, gives you far more options than gear from a decade ago. Midi controllers aren't for everyone and the market is saturated -> Try before you buy

    You stated you wanted something "trendy" for yourself. IMO you can get something trendy in every aspect of dj gear. 2016 was the year where media players, controllers, turntables and standalone instruments could live near each other. All the gear available has a very specific audience and main benefits differ from each other. Luckily everyone has there own preferences, even the popular dj's.

    As a reference some big names with different setups:
    Carl Cox -> Traktor S8
    Jamie Jones -> Uses vinyl x cd's x DVS (Traktor)
    Loco Dice -> vinyl x DVS (Traktor)
    Dubfire -> controllers (live elements for ableton x Traktor)
    KiNK -> mostly combo of synths, drummachines and effects x Controllers x Ableton x ...

    my setup -> DVS x Vinyl x Controllers x Synths x Drummachines x ...

    In the end, it all comes to what suits YOU the most. There is really no one that cares about the gear you use in the audience besides some other dj's and musicians. There is just not one setup that is the MOST trendy.

    Easy solution for you: Go to a shop, try all kinds of gear out, find something that suits you the most and buy the most high end products from that categorie.

    If you want to get the most satisfaction from the gear you are gonna buy: Start dj'ing again with gear you already own. If you don't own anything at the moment, get a basic 2nd hand setup that keeps his value. In the mean time, start reading every articles on this blog , watch youtube videos, especially routines, performance and mixes from your preferred dj's. After a while, you will (re)discover your own needs and you will know what new technologies are out there. Only from that point, you can make a well informed buying decision and get the most out of your gear and money. Buying a trendy setup is no reason to not think twice about your purchase.

    Don't let the marketeers from major companies decide what you need...
    Last edited by Fango Jett; 12-24-2016 at 11:29 PM.
    DJM-750 | 2 x Technics 1200 | Audio 10 | Midifighter Classic | Midifighter Twister | Kontrol X1|  MBP 13"

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