I need an update on DJing trend nowadays.
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Default I need an update on DJing trend nowadays.

    Hi there, 10 years ago I purchased SL1210 and CDJ 1000 MK3s. Though, I used them for a year or so because I had to move overseas. Now, I'm planning to get something trendy for myself, just to have fun with it at home. Please answer my questions below if you can:

    1. Does anybody use CDs nowadays? Do record labels even sell music on CDs?
    2. If not - latest CDJs have a CD slot, what's the purpose if nobody uses CDs anymore?
    3. I want to mix House music. What do you think about Traktor or Serato SL4 with vinyl? What people think of this combination today?
    4. I liked an idea of Kontrol S8 or a similar device from Pioneer, what do you think about digital stuff?


  2. #2
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    You haven't even tried looking for yourself, have you?
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
    Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
    You haven't even tried looking for yourself, have you?
    I tried but similar questions were asked in 2012, and I couldn't find anything in 2016. I know that most DJs use Pioneers but I wonder if they use CDs of Flash Drivers. Also, Serato and Traktor used to be popular but now the latest update from Traktor was in 2012 which I find strange.

  4. #4
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    Hi there, 10 years ago I purchased SL1210 and CDJ 1000 MK3s. Though, I used them for a year or so because I had to move overseas. Now, I'm planning to get something trendy for myself, just to have fun with it at home. Please answer my questions below if you can:

    1. Does anybody use CDs nowadays? Do record labels even sell music on CDs?
    2. If not - latest CDJs have a CD slot, what's the purpose if nobody uses CDs anymore?
    3. I want to mix House music. What do you think about Traktor or Serato SL4 with vinyl? What people think of this combination today?
    4. I liked an idea of Kontrol S8 or a similar device from Pioneer, what do you think about digital stuff?

    1. Yes. Probably
    2. Call the people that make them
    3. Perfectly fine. Use whatever you like. Don't be trendy. Be practical.
    4. You do realize you are on Djtechtools.com don't you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    the latest update from Traktor was in 2012 which I find strange.
    I don't think that's true.
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    1. Yes. Probably
    2. Call the people that make them
    3. Perfectly fine. Use whatever you like. Don't be trendy. Be practical.
    4. You do realize you are on Djtechtools.com don't you?

    I don't think that's true.
    Thanks for your opinion. By the way, Traktor Pro 2 is the latest version and it was released in 2012. I wanted to get TRAKTOR KONTROL Z2 for my decks but it's also a 2012 model. It looks like this type of set up is going downhill but I might still consider it or Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX as another option.

  6. #6
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Point38 View Post
    Thanks for your opinion. By the way, Traktor Pro 2 is the latest version and it was released in 2012. I wanted to get TRAKTOR KONTROL Z2 for my decks but it's also a 2012 model. It looks like this type of set up is going downhill but I might still consider it or Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX as another option.
    They kept adding things to traktor with updates. It's not the same software that was released in 2012.

    A good mixer is a good mixer. No matter it's age.

    Please explain why this type of set up is going downhill.

    If you want to get pioneer stuff, get pioneer stuff. It's quality. Recordbox has a free demo. Try it out. Find what you fits you.
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  7. #7


    over the last year i have been trying to find the dj gear that suites me most. thats why i try to play on as many devices as i can to see what i do and do not like. so think back to your vinyl and cd days and ask yourself, "what features did i like? what do i want it to do? what can i do without?" make a list if that helps.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mastah Kyler View Post
    over the last year i have been trying to find the dj gear that suites me most. thats why i try to play on as many devices as i can to see what i do and do not like. so think back to your vinyl and cd days and ask yourself, "what features did i like? what do i want it to do? what can i do without?" make a list if that helps.
    Good point, thanks!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    They kept adding things to traktor with updates. It's not the same software that was released in 2012.

    A good mixer is a good mixer. No matter it's age.

    Please explain why this type of set up is going downhill.

    If you want to get pioneer stuff, get pioneer stuff. It's quality. Recordbox has a free demo. Try it out. Find what you fits you.
    You are right, even though it says 2012 under About section, it's been updated.

    I feel that after release of Pioneer DJ XDJ-RX things like Serato and Traktor for vinyl will become obsolete, together with other controllers that require a laptop.

    Things change quick in DJ world...

  10. #10

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