When will MF3D's be back in stock?
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert DJENS's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Jacksonville, Florida

    Default When will MF3D's be back in stock?

    I know you guys have that thing that will email me once they are back in stock, but I was really hoping to get one of these ahead of a show in June. Is there any sort of timeframe? What's normal for time between out-of-stock to back-in-stock?

    I've looked all over the site for days, and even heard some rumors the MF3D is dead and discontinued as per various other websites/comments.

    So what's up?

    Apologies if this is in the wrong section/whatever. Just confused and wanting to buy!

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    The Midi Fighter 3Ds are finally back in stock and won't run out anytime soon!

    We aren't planning on discontinuing them anytime soon, just had a larger demand than expected in the past few months paired with some production delays which lead to the downtime.

    Whoever was speculating us killing them never attempted to contact us and ask the question, otherwise they would have known the real answer without the need for rumors.

    Thanks for your patience

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