Introducing me + my Setup
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Default Introducing me + my Setup

    Hi, a new member of the forum here.

    I'm a spanish "junior" Dj (TechHouse, Techno Berlin/Detroit,minimal) + Producer (Electronic, HipHop).

    I discovered the music production long long ago (Reason 4), and i made things for years with only a mouse, trying a couple of daws (Reason, Cubase, Fruity, Ableton...) and Mixing softwares (VDJ, Seraton, Traktor)....

    Since 2014 i have an American Audio VMS4 Controller, and i bought last month a used Ableton Push (1).
    I have a mic too (Behringer C1U)

    I use the VMS4 as sound card (4 Analog In, 4 USB in, 1out), and Jack(for mac) to virtual rerouting audio channels.

    My actual config is based on a Macbook (Late '08, 2'4Core2Duo,8GB RAM 1333), with Traktor Pro as "Main Source" and Live9 in the background, using it as FX-Center (Rerouting Traktor decks to Live through "Jack". EQ's +Filters +PSP42) and adding a layer with my sounds, controlled from a Push.

    I'll post something to hear in the future!

    Enviado desde mi MI 5s mediante Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Tel aviv

    Default Cool Setup!

    Very nice

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