Midifighter Twister: Change shift encoder hold channel?
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Default Midifighter Twister: Change shift encoder hold channel?

    Hello there,

    I'll admit I did not take the proper time searching the forums for this so please forgive me. However a quick search didn't give me what I was looking for.

    So in the utility, when I change a particular switch to "shift encoder hold" it allows me to send a different CC while pressing and turning, which is so unbelievably amazing.

    My problem is when you use this function (shift and turn), it seems to want to default to midi channel 1 with no option to change it. I certainly could be wrong which is why I'm here so does anyone know how to change it to a different midi channel?

    The real issue is I have another controller (cmd touch 64) that I use for macros in my daw Reaper. It's defaulted on channel 1 with no software at all or a way to change it. So I'm sure these two are going to conflict at some point. Anyways, hopefully someone knows how to change it. And to DJTechTools, holy cow this thing is amazing!

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    If you are using the Multiple tool in the Midi Fighter Utility for batch editing that could be it since currently it doesn't work all that well. Next one coming out in the next 2 weeks fixes that.

    Also, you might want to change these temporarily to Shift Toggle instead so it's easier to map, otherwise if you release the encoder before switching to a different control or closing the mapping mode it will get overriden.

    Since your CMD lives mainly on Ch.1 I suggest changing the regular encoder turn messages to a free bank such as Ch.9 to avoid any chance of crosstalk.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    If you are using the Multiple tool in the Midi Fighter Utility for batch editing that could be it since currently it doesn't work all that well. Next one coming out in the next 2 weeks fixes that.

    Also, you might want to change these temporarily to Shift Toggle instead so it's easier to map, otherwise if you release the encoder before switching to a different control or closing the mapping mode it will get overriden.

    Since your CMD lives mainly on Ch.1 I suggest changing the regular encoder turn messages to a free bank such as Ch.9 to avoid any chance of crosstalk.

    Thanks for responding!

    I have no problem getting the function to work. As in, turning the knob sends the channel I set and whatever cc it is. However, when I push the button it changes the channel to channel 1.

    I can't see any way to change what channel it changes to. I will try and see how shift toggle does. But like I said, mapping has been no problem once I got the hang of it. I just have the tc 64 married to channel 1.

    Really it's not a big deal, I'll just sell the tc64 and get the novation counter part which is mappable.

    Anyways, hope you get what I'm saying, no problem mapping, just the push and turn makes it send on channel 1 rather than the channel I set for regular turn.

    Also, these replies are going to my spam folder for some reason, I'll try and make sure that doesn't happen anymore. Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    Default Specifying Shift Encoder MIDI Channel

    Quote Originally Posted by pickflip113 View Post

    Thanks for responding!

    I have no problem getting the function to work. As in, turning the knob sends the channel I set and whatever cc it is. However, when I push the button it changes the channel to channel 1.

    I can't see any way to change what channel it changes to. I will try and see how shift toggle does. But like I said, mapping has been no problem once I got the hang of it. I just have the tc 64 married to channel 1.
    I'm having this exact same issue and would love to know if you ever found a solution. From what I can tell, this is just how the Twister's shift function works (by momentarily changing the MIDI channel when the encoder is held down, but keeping the same CC value). It really seems like this should be user-customizable. Maybe there's a reason they can't code this, but ideally the MF Editor would have a separate section for assigning the Shift Encoder's MIDI Channel and Number... It'd look something like this (I've added the yellow text):
    MIDI Fighter Utility Feature Request.png

    Full disclosure: I haven't updated to the very latest version of the MF Editor (because, who knows what might break), but I'd be very shocked if this feature has actually been added. Please let me know if you found a workaround that solved it for you. Thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    I'm also having a similar issue. Strangely, my device is sending on channel 5 when the encoder is held and twisted.

    It would be great if I could set this channel so it is not hard wired on channel 5.

    In an ideal situation, I'd disable all button presses from sending any MIDI out. With the encoder push shift setting, this would give me 128 individual MIDI messages that I could send all from the same channel of my choosing.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by funwithtriangles View Post
    I'm also having a similar issue. Strangely, my device is sending on channel 5 when the encoder is held and twisted.

    It would be great if I could set this channel so it is not hard wired on channel 5.

    In an ideal situation, I'd disable all button presses from sending any MIDI out. With the encoder push shift setting, this would give me 128 individual MIDI messages that I could send all from the same channel of my choosing.
    Just so you know. Once I figured out what was actually happening, I just worked around it as my use case didn't really necessitate a solution. I'll also add that I never got a clear answer here or from my support ticket. That's not to say they didn't try, they did.

  7. #7
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    Hey all, rather than start a new thread wondering if someone might be able to help.

    I can't get the Shift Encoder Hold to work.

    I select it in the Utility and flash the MFT.

    However if I then go to Ableton, no matter what it just outputs midi on channel 1.

    I've tried Hold and Toggle, being careful to just try and map when it is either toggled or not.

    Any ideas? This sounds like a great feature I could get a lot of use out of.

    (sorry: search feature wouldn't work for me due to the 'random question' - what does a DJ use? um... decks? music? a USB drive? techtools? i have no idea lol)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattleaf View Post
    Hey all, rather than start a new thread wondering if someone might be able to help.

    I can't get the Shift Encoder Hold to work.

    I select it in the Utility and flash the MFT.

    However if I then go to Ableton, no matter what it just outputs midi on channel 1.

    I've tried Hold and Toggle, being careful to just try and map when it is either toggled or not.

    Any ideas? This sounds like a great feature I could get a lot of use out of.

    (sorry: search feature wouldn't work for me due to the 'random question' - what does a DJ use? um... decks? music? a USB drive? techtools? i have no idea lol)
    I know that I already said this above. But no, I really don't think you can get the SHIFT to output anything but channel 1.

    I just ended up working around it being very careful with filtering the incoming midi in my daw.

    I'm hoping now that a couple have experienced the issue that it can get resolved.

    All the best Matt!


  9. #9
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    Jun 2019

    Default Shift Encoder Hold Channel — Figured it out

    I read this (and other related) threads hoping to find an answer to this frustrating issue — people posting that with the shift encoder hold set on a knob, a turn would send CC messages on channel 1. No matter what channel was selected for the knob, or for the encoder switch, after pressing the encoder and holding it down and twisting, it would always go to channel 1.

    This behaviour was easy to see by configuring the knob to be on a different channel. Then you can clearly see: knob turn sends CC on the chosen channel, pressing the knob sends CC on ch2, and pressing/holding and turning sends CC on ch1. There seems to be no way to configure this in the utility.

    Many people reported the same thing, and confusion because the manual says the shift encoder hold should, when held and turned, send on midi channel 5. And for some people it was working.

    Someone mentioned you have to factory reset. People have said they tried that and it still didn’t work. I myself tried it and it didn’t work.

    Here’s the mistake I made. You can’t factory reset and then just import settings you exported BEFORE the factory reset. Those settings seem to have ch 1 baked in. Since it isn’t selectable in the utility the way the default (non held) channel and the encoder switch channels are, or even the system midi channel, it just seemed to default to 1. With the newest firmware if you factory reset first, then this defaults to ch5 on shift encoder hold. This is what we are all expecting.

    So the bottom line is get the latest firmware. Upgrade. Then reset to factory settings. Then remap all your knobs and colours from scratch. Do not import a settings file made before the reset. I did this and am now happily sending on ch5 with any of the knobs I’ve set to shift encoder hold.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Still no answer to this?

    I just received my twister and came across the same problem when trying to set it up. Surely there is a solution to this.. if not it seems like a missed opportunity. It also seems like the same issue occurs when using the shift button on the side.

    I feel like I'm missing something?


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