Hi guys, i just bought the new SB3 but seems to fresh to have the Traktor mapping available. Can anyone help me?
Hi guys, i just bought the new SB3 but seems to fresh to have the Traktor mapping available. Can anyone help me?
From what I've seen on Youtube, that SB3 looks really cool in Serato! I don't own the unit but luckily Pioneer provides a full list of midi messages for this controller so I was able to look in to this and set a couple of commands
Attached is only a test mapping. Just mixer and jog wheels for now. Decks A and B.
Please let me know how jegwheels reactfor example should it be a bit slower or faster or they may be super fast... We can try another Encoder Mode if they totally suck. Currently it uses 7Fh mode and 50% on rotary sensitivity. Seems like a nice place to start testing.
TRAKTOR DDJ-SB3 (test) 0.1.zip
Thanks a lot for the reply Stewe,
i only have the official license from traktor, and this controller only brings me the serato trial ou intro version.
I like more traktor but i prefer the pioneer controllers.
I tried your mapping, and all the mixer buttons (gain, volume, crossfader, filter, etc) worked perfectly, but the jog wheels were to much sensitive.
I tried also the mappings from the DDJ SB2, and RB and most part worked fine, except the auto loop and the play button.
We have to find the balance between all those mappings and create the new one for this
thanks again for helping
That's awesome.
It's great that some of existing SB2 mappings are still functional for the most part! Let me know which one in particular is the most complete one and we will simply add all those missing controls.
Also does the filter fade on the crossfader works in any of those mappings?
I donīt know for sure if the filter fade works, but i let you know as soon as i can.
I think the DDJ RB is really close to the SB3, all the pads and effects are the same.
the play and cue donīt work so well, and the auto loop button is diferrent too.
I will test again to see if we have more features missing.
PS: how did you find the midi messages for this?
Should be right here: https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/support...dj-sb3/#serato
I looked up at "Support" tub of the Product Page.
I tried to do it by myself, but i don't have to much experience on it.
With mapping from RB, the mixer buttons, joggwheels, and some pads are working fine.
Basically these are the buttons to fix:
- Play Button for both decks
-Cue Button for Both Decks
- Use deck C and D (don't know if is possible)
-Sync Buttons
-Auto Loop, x2 buttons
- Audio and Headphones buttons (Cue buttons)
- Effects
Alright. I'm looking in the mappings and it seems that both SB3 and RB use the same midi note for Play button which is B-1.
Same goes for Cue button which is C0. Which is strange they don't work at all..
Did you ensure to set controller to Decks 1 and 2 before testing this out?