Couldn't believe this.
What's more I couldn't believe that they would additionally stop manufacture of the stylus immediately. Often stylus will be phased out over a longer period. Since I bought Whitelabels just over a year ago, and loved the sound, I wasn't ready for them to become a pair of pretty bricks.
I started searching for replacement styli and couldn't find any stock at the usual outlets. I emailed Shure and they said that their remaining stock in the U.S. was soon going to be distributed Worldwide, and once that was complete that would be it!
I've managed to source some and have bought 8. I don't use my decks that often, but don't want to move to Ortofon. I've used a few cartridges in my time, but none come close to the Whitelabel's sound.
I realise there are a lot of Shure fans out there. Seems pretty quiet on the issue here. Much panic buying going on?