Denon DN-SC2000 - InstaPadFX Stewe v4.3 - Traktor Pro 2.11+
I've missed the platters + direct pitchfader on the Traktor Kontrol S8 too much,
So I decided to buy these Denon DN-SC2000's 2nd hand (around 125€ each).
(If a button got worn out, see my tutorial here for replacing so called tact-switches)
Since they have alot of buttons & encoders that do the same as on the Kontrol S8,
stuff perhaps could be midi-mapped differently...
So I reached out to mapping guru Stewe =)
Since he doesn't have this DN-SC2000 at home, it wasn't easy to map it (mainly the LED-output).
I made an overview what I wanted, did some deskresearch, and we tried anyway:
After a week of mailing back and forth, me recording the DN-SC2000 with Stewe's mapping in progress,
this is the end-result, which works on all 4 decks:
So for any of u who are interested in the mapping, I've uploaded it here:
Deskresearch material here.
Thanks again Stewe, you rock!