Question about Twister relative (3FH/41H) encoder mode firmware
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Default Question about Twister relative (3FH/41H) encoder mode firmware

    Hello! Thanks for making such a great product, I'm really enjoying it

    I'm using the Twister in relative 3FH/41H mode, but I was wondering if there is any way to make it more precise.

    Specifically, it appears that right now it sends around 100 midi messages per 360 degrees of rotation, would it be possible to send 200 or more?

    I looked over the source code, but I couldn't tell at a glance if a message was being sent for each pulse of the hardware encoder or if they were aggregated first and then sent over.

    I guess another way to word it is, is the firmware already sending 1 message per 1 hardware pulse or is there room for more precision? Or maybe some way for the encoders to send pulses more finely? (I'm not sure if the hw is configurable at all at that level)

    I understand that there is a "fine tuning" mode but that simply sends less messages (by aggregation), rather than more. In my app, I'm already summing up the relative messages and doing my own scaling, so it's really a case of getting more "step messages per degree" rather than "going slower".

    Alternatively to sending more messages, it would also be cool to aggregate the hardware encoder into something other than just 65/63 values. So if the encoder had more precision per update loop, it might be able to send over a wider range of values (say 64 +- num pulses done this update). So the message rate can remain the same, but the resolution would be higher.

    Any input would be really appreciated! I could dig a the firmware source some more, but it seems like a question someone might just know the answer to


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Also to be clear, I understand there is a sensitive mode that does scaling. But this still has the same quantization, it's just each quanta registers as more counts. I'm looking to increase the quanta (hw pulses) rather than just speed the knob up. So that way the knob can still move quickly and cover the whole range, but very slow fine physical movements would be less quantized.

    Quote Originally Posted by antonm View Post
    Hello! Thanks for making such a great product, I'm really enjoying it

    I'm using the Twister in relative 3FH/41H mode, but I was wondering if there is any way to make it more precise.

    Specifically, it appears that right now it sends around 100 midi messages per 360 degrees of rotation, would it be possible to send 200 or more?

    I looked over the source code, but I couldn't tell at a glance if a message was being sent for each pulse of the hardware encoder or if they were aggregated first and then sent over.

    I guess another way to word it is, is the firmware already sending 1 message per 1 hardware pulse or is there room for more precision? Or maybe some way for the encoders to send pulses more finely? (I'm not sure if the hw is configurable at all at that level)

    I understand that there is a "fine tuning" mode but that simply sends less messages (by aggregation), rather than more. In my app, I'm already summing up the relative messages and doing my own scaling, so it's really a case of getting more "step messages per degree" rather than "going slower".

    Alternatively to sending more messages, it would also be cool to aggregate the hardware encoder into something other than just 65/63 values. So if the encoder had more precision per update loop, it might be able to send over a wider range of values (say 64 +- num pulses done this update). So the message rate can remain the same, but the resolution would be higher.

    Any input would be really appreciated! I could dig a the firmware source some more, but it seems like a question someone might just know the answer to


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