Managing FLAC library for DJs? (OSX) - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    you should really try out swinsian, it is sweet, fast and worth every 24$ penny.
    to sync your playlists from swinsian to traktor/serato, you have 2 options i can think of:

    * there is tool called 'ximian' which generates an itunes library xml file from your swinsian playlists. note that it will overwrite your itunes library xml file, so make sure you back that first. after downloading, open a terminal and run:
    chmod +x Ximian
    and it generates an itunes xml file from swinsian. if this works, then you can stop reading here and enjoy itunes playlist integration in traktor/serato.

    * now, i didn't get ximian to properly export my swinsian playlists (but it exported _all_ my tracks from swinsian to the xml file). so instead of relying on the itunes xml integration in traktor, i use a custom apple script which syncs all files from a swinsian playlist called "trax" into a new folder on my computer. this folder is the same folder i read files from in traktor. this should work similarly with serato. now i have 2 copies of some tracks for dj-ing, but this way i can enjoy making playlists in swinsian, without manually adding/deleting files in finder.

    this is the script, which you can run with
    osascript swins2trax.applescript
    in your terminal or easily add to an macos automator:

    -- copies all tracks from the playlist "trax" in swinsian to a directory
    set thelist to "trax" -- name of swinsian playlist, change if desired
    set thedest to "/Volumes/space/Trax/" -- destination directory, change if desired
    set thedesttmp to "/Volumes/space/.Trax/" -- this gets deleted after syncing
    	do shell script "([ -d " & thedest & " ]); exit $?"
    on error
    	display dialog "Error: directory " & thedest & " is missing"
    	error number -128
    end try
    tell application "Swinsian"
    	repeat with theplaylist in playlists
    		set thelistname to name of theplaylist as string
    		if thelistname is equal to thelist then
    			do shell script "rm -rf " & thedesttmp
    			do shell script "mkdir " & thedesttmp
    			repeat with thetrack in tracks of theplaylist
    				set thefile to location of thetrack
    				do shell script "cp -a \"" & thefile & "\" " & thedesttmp
    			end repeat
    			do shell script "rsync -auvv --delete " & thedesttmp & " " & thedest
    			do shell script "rm -rf " & thedesttmp
    		end if
    	end repeat
    end tell
    display notification "All trax are ready!"
    link to script file:

  2. #12
    Tech Guru djproben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hollywood, CA


    Just seeing this now; I’ve been using swinsian for over a year now and love it. Will have to try this out; thanks!
    "Art is what you can get away with." - Marshall McLuhan

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