VCI-400 EGE Left pitchfader only responding at top and bottom
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
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    Sep 2011

    Question VCI-400 EGE Left pitchfader only responding at top and bottom

    I wanted to sell my VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition, so I checked if everything was still working okish.
    I had a Decksaver for the Vestax VCI 400 on top, so it should've be ok.

    Hooked up Traktor 3.1 together with mapping.
    Made sure Firmware v1 was loaded, so far so good.

    All was actually working as it should, except....
    The left pitchfader.

    When I move it all the way up to the top MIDI is coming thru (MIDI indicator in Traktor lights up).
    When I move it all the way down to the bottom MIDI is coming thru aswell.
    But in the middle... no response.
    The result is that the pitchfader will move a tiny bit down software-wise, or when holding SHIFT and moving the fader it goes straight up to the max value.

    So I opened it to clean the fader, following the in-depth guide here

    There was no real gunk inside the fader, though, I've cleaned it with (car) brake cleaner, sliding the middle part up & down, let it dry for a bit, removed the redundants, sprayed a bit of Vaseline spray inside to make it glide a bit more easy, but still same end result.

    What else can I try?
    Did someone replaced a fader succesfully?
    It shows ALPHA on the side of the faders, which is a pretty known brand in spare parts.

    I went along with this video tutorial:
    According to a client of mine who worked in cleaning organs as a daily job, brake cleaner is too aggressive so he suggested contact cleaner with oil from Philips.
    I'm gonna order that in a bit.

    Meanwhile, the teardown pictures for reference:

    Last edited by bascurtiz; 03-19-2019 at 12:29 PM.
    Current DJ Gear: Kontrol S8 | Denon DN-SC2000 | V-Moda XS / Logitech Z5500
    Numark 4TRAK / Kontrol X1 + Z1 + F1 / Novation Twitch / Denon MC3000
    Reloop Jockey 3 Remix / M-Audio Xponent / V-Moda Crossfade LP

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
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    Sep 2011


    I already had some Contact spray standing in the garage, so decided to clean it once again with this.

    Nevertheless, same end result.
    I think the fader is just End Of Life.

    So I googled for the part, and ordered it:

    Damage: 10 bucks incl. shipping.
    Will take 14 days before it arrives, but I'll update this topic by then.
    Seems a not too difficult job; 6 solder points.
    Current DJ Gear: Kontrol S8 | Denon DN-SC2000 | V-Moda XS / Logitech Z5500
    Numark 4TRAK / Kontrol X1 + Z1 + F1 / Novation Twitch / Denon MC3000
    Reloop Jockey 3 Remix / M-Audio Xponent / V-Moda Crossfade LP

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor bascurtiz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Package arrived at 9-4-2019 (roughly 3 weeks) and started desoldering the old print of the pitchfader.
    While doing this, I accidentally desoldered a copper ring in the hole aswell, see picture:

    As you can see, this one is crucial since there are lanes in the PCB ending up there.

    Nevertheless I tried to solder the new pitchfader into its place, but end result was random +1 -1 +3 -3 midi values constantly.

    So I desoldered the fader, scraped off the green coating layer a bit on the lanes & dropped a piece of solder between pin/hole of fader & lanes. This time around, when pushing the board a bit down, it worked as it should. So I knew it was a matter of creating a better contact.

    Finally I used a piece of copper wire and soldered it between the pin/hole & lanes, see picture:


    Live demo of the new replaced pitchfader in action:
    Current DJ Gear: Kontrol S8 | Denon DN-SC2000 | V-Moda XS / Logitech Z5500
    Numark 4TRAK / Kontrol X1 + Z1 + F1 / Novation Twitch / Denon MC3000
    Reloop Jockey 3 Remix / M-Audio Xponent / V-Moda Crossfade LP

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