I wanted to sell my VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition, so I checked if everything was still working okish.
I had a Decksaver for the Vestax VCI 400 on top, so it should've be ok.
Hooked up Traktor 3.1 together with https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/911 mapping.
Made sure Firmware v1 was loaded, so far so good.
All was actually working as it should, except....
The left pitchfader.
When I move it all the way up to the top MIDI is coming thru (MIDI indicator in Traktor lights up).
When I move it all the way down to the bottom MIDI is coming thru aswell.
But in the middle... no response.
The result is that the pitchfader will move a tiny bit down software-wise, or when holding SHIFT and moving the fader it goes straight up to the max value.
So I opened it to clean the fader, following the in-depth guide here http://www.kevinchant.com/uploads/7/...sm-vci-400.pdf
There was no real gunk inside the fader, though, I've cleaned it with (car) brake cleaner, sliding the middle part up & down, let it dry for a bit, removed the redundants, sprayed a bit of Vaseline spray inside to make it glide a bit more easy, but still same end result.
What else can I try?
Did someone replaced a fader succesfully?
It shows ALPHA on the side of the faders, which is a pretty known brand in spare parts.
I went along with this video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5HIjyTW94g
According to a client of mine who worked in cleaning organs as a daily job, brake cleaner is too aggressive so he suggested contact cleaner with oil from Philips.
I'm gonna order that in a bit.
Meanwhile, the teardown pictures for reference: