Behringer X-touch mini with traktor - how to toggle lights in midi? - Page 3
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  1. #21


    ok. i have been messing about with modifiers (i thought there was just a shift key i could map lol).

    anyway, i can map a modifier and get it to work like a shift button but the problem is that i then need to have soft takeover on really as otherwise it can jump as the controller doesnt recall the setting like it does flipping between the 2 layers. oh, that uses Program Change 0 and 1. maybe i can add more? hmmmmm. i doubt it actually.

  2. #22


    does global channel or device ID make much difference? do i need them to be different if i have 2 of same device?
    is MC mode just a different way of communicating? or is it more useful?

  3. #23


    xtouch TEMPLATE.jpg
    OK THIS Is where i am at so far. when i am all happy i will upload the PSD file.

  4. #24


    ok i think this will be the layout when 2nd one arrives.

    gives me 2 identical sets of FX which i can use for all 4 decks. i am duplicating showing FX on the panels but i dont mind until i can think of a better use. this will show me the

  5. #25


    quick remix to make it make more sense.

  6. #26


    Spent far too long doing this today haha.

  7. #27


    the t/m thing is the toggle or momentary how i need to flash the midi in its own editor.

  8. #28
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by citizenkaned View Post
    the t/m thing is the toggle or momentary how i need to flash the midi in its own editor.
    It is strange that you need to rely on editor settings for LED controls. Are you sure that you've already tried everything else?

    I have old BDC 3000 which has two types of LED control (software and hardware). It currently sounds that your unit is set to hardware (or as Bheringer calls it ADVANCED mode)... Check your editor and see if you can find anything on that matter.

  9. #29


    ah nice one i will look into it. well ive got it all mapped and working. my eyes are blurry after taking so long
    maybe as there are 2 layers you need hardware or something? im new to all this haha. you can change how the knob lights and stuff work and configure the buttons a lot more in the editor.

  10. #30


    Are the rotary knobs endless and/or clickable? Can they be used for track browsing?

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