Suggestions for my next setup - dog & kid friendly, tucked away when not in use
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Manchester, England

    Default Suggestions for my next setup - dog & kid friendly, tucked away when not in use

    I've been DJing for 20 years and have changed equipment a number of times, but I still have my 1210s with about 1000 vinyl, and I now use a combination of smallish controllers with a laptop (Rekordbox or Traktor).

    My wife and I are expecting our first child in June, and we are also currently having an extension built to the house, so my decks will make way from the 2nd bedroom (to be the nursery) to sit in the extension. At some point we will also get a dog.

    What I'd like for my next setup is something that can be tucked away when not in use, so that there aren't vinyls, cables, etc. for kids or dogs to get curious with. Also, since the extension is on the ground floor I want it to look inconspicuous to any potential burglar.

    In order to be tucked away, I'm imagining the setup sitting on lockable wheels so that I can pull it away from the wall to get behind when I want to use it, and push it back against the wall when done. I'm willing to forego having monitor speakers on the setup because the extension will have surround sound, so I will be able to use speakers directly above my head for monitoring purposes.

    The nearest thing I've seen that looks like something I have in mind is this:

    I like how the 1210s can be pulled out, but for the most part I don't play on them often (although in this instance it would always have to be pulled out because of the mixer). Of course this won't hold all my vinyl, but I need to trim down my collection anyway and I'm happy to only have a smaller collection directly to hand within the unit.

    Any suggestions welcome!

  2. #2
    Tech Convert
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    Manchester, England


    Somehow this has gone in the wrong section and I can't move it.

    Reposted in "show your setup" here:

  3. #3
    Tech Guru MaxOne's Avatar
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    tbh, if it were me, I would just get a Pioneer RX2 controller and whip it out and put it on a desk when you wanted to use it... just put a deck saver on it when you not using it to protect it...
    Club of Jacks are a London based House & Garage production / DJ duo with releases on a number of underground labels including Plastik People Recordings, Blockhead Recordings, Hi Energy!, Pocket Jacks Trax, Soul Revolution Records and their own Club of Jacks imprint.

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxOne View Post
    tbh, if it were me, I would just get a Pioneer RX2 controller and whip it out and put it on a desk when you wanted to use it... just put a deck saver on it when you not using it to protect it...
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I really don't want to be buying any more equipment, as I'm happy with what I'm using. It also wouldn't allow me to use my 1210s or store any vinyl if I just used a simple desk

  5. #5
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    It would have to be a custom build. That's a nice looking booth. If you are any good with a table saw go for it.

    I'd look for a workbench on wheels and add a coffin style lid to the top of it. Or make a coffin to fit and use nice wood so it looks like a shelf or table...
    Last edited by keithace; 12-17-2019 at 02:06 PM.
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