Rekordbox & CDJ US Issue
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default Rekordbox & CDJ US Issue

    Hey guys

    Desperately calling out for some help here as no one seems to know how to help me!!!

    Basically i would normally connect to CDJs with just two usbs from the CDJs
    I create an aggregate device on my laptop and then everything would connect to rekord box completely fine.

    All of a sudden This no longer works . I have updated my mac IOS uninstalled and updated all drivers for CDJ and the mixer. Updated all firmware on the equipment . Still nothing .......... Rekordbox won't pick up CDJ as a audio input/output how it used to before.

    Please can someone give me some guidance on how to fix this as the only workaround would be having 4 cables coming out of my laptop every time i dj

  2. #2
    Tech Guru SlayForMoney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    You did not told us what CDJs are you using. Also what OS is on your mac. Or any other hardware you are using.

    You are trying to use RekordboxDJ in performance mode and CDJ's as controllers for the software?
    Why? I mean, why when you can just use export mode with ethernet cables and have one cable if that is so troubling to you....
    Denon X600 - 2x Denon SC-2000 - AKG K181DJ - NI Audio 2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by SlayForMoney View Post
    You did not told us what CDJs are you using. Also what OS is on your mac. Or any other hardware you are using.

    You are trying to use RekordboxDJ in performance mode and CDJ's as controllers for the software?
    Why? I mean, why when you can just use export mode with ethernet cables and have one cable if that is so troubling to you....

    Thankyoiu for taking the time out to respond , its much appreciated

    Sorry for not fully listing my setup

    I'm using Mac osCatalina
    And DJM-900NXS2 mixer

    In regards to using export mode you cant dj when using that mode can you???

  4. #4


    macOS Catalina does not yet support creating an aggregate device with two CDJ2000NXS2s. Luckily there's no need for it, you can just use your DJM as the soundcard, and still use the CDJs in HID.

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