Can't contact DJ Tech Tools by website.
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  1. #1

    Default Can't contact DJ Tech Tools by website.

    I want to write a general letter to DJ Tech Tools. Actually it's a request for a helpful article. But a few of the contact links are dead. The "request an article" link doesn't work and the same thing happened today when I tried something else.

    I don't want to send my message to the wrong department. Obviously I could send it to "support ticket" or to some of the wrongs ones that are probably working properly, but that wouldn't make anyone happy.

    I even posted my request to your Facebook page on December of last year and nobody ever read or responded to it.

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Best way to get that idea to the right set of eyes is opening a support ticket and it will get routed to the right area. We are a small team and can't monitor all comments/posts on social media.

    Please let us know which other link isn't working for you and we'll have a look.

  3. #3


    Is this forum still operational ?

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