I need help/advice with modding my Gemini MM1 mixer
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default I need help/advice with modding my Gemini MM1 mixer

    I want to do the mod in this video:

    But I have trauma from failing to mod a PT01 with a start/stop button that led to breaking the whole turntable. I think I'm really bad with electronics.

    The mod seems simple enough, but I'm not sure what he is doing at the following timestamps:

    0:55 & 1:05

    Can anyone explain these steps to me? Also, what is that blue wire he is using to test the connections? Where can I get wire like that or what is it called (what do I need to google to find it)?

    Thanks a ton for checking out my post.
    Last edited by three33ds; 07-15-2020 at 05:58 PM. Reason: typos

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