MF Twister to control more than one device.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Default MF Twister to control more than one device.

    I apologize if this has been answered on the forum already but I've had no luck with search.
    I would like to be able to control more than one device with the Twister. I am sending the USB out to a 1010 Blackbox (which recieves midi though a USB device port) and I would like to send it to my computer at the same time. I don't need to control both devices simultaneously but that would be a plus. I have found some USB Y-Splitter cables but they all seem to only send data on one of the sides.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Last edited by macsearcher; 11-01-2020 at 02:39 PM.

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