OK, I've been able to verify with my meter, some magnifying glasses, and steadier hands than I figured I could manage, that I've got proper 22R resistance between D- and pin 30 on the AT90USB162 chip and D+ and pin 29. I think that's a good sign... I hope that's a good sign...
In other news, I tried seeing if MIDI Monitor could "see" the board, and it does not. It's like it's getting stuck in its startup process and just hanging. :/
And after spending a little more time and reading a lot more datasheets, i seem to have good connectivity around all the chips. I think this is a good sign.
And nothing under system information's USB device tree right? I've got this:mfpro.jpg (it got compressed to shit but you get the idea)
MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI
Correct - I know exactly what your pic is describing, and yeah, I get nothing showing up there at all.
Are there any programming headers on the MF board (not the daughterboard) you might want to try reflashing the board. Even just to check if that's possible.
MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI
Have you tried doing that by using the bootloader switch on the board?
MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI
As a last-ditch effort you could try removing the ESD Protection chip, but I'd try everything else before doing this as it likely won't help.
MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI
My board has the two red buttons soldered on for the Reset and Boot spots, but I can't seem to get the board into bootloader mode, eithber by the old school 4-button method, or using the red buttons. One interesting thing that happens, though, if I hold down the Reset red button and plug in the USB, I get one of 4 different combinations of the button LEDs lit up:
but then, no matter which one I had, when I hit the boot button I get
just like when I plug in the USB with no buttons pressed.
I don't know if this is going to help me or shed any new light, but I found the "Bricked MIDI Fighter Reset Guide" here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/CGSupport/B...eset+Guide.pdf
Even if it doesn't wind up helping me, having this link in a thread might help someone else in the future... more info on my situation soon...