Is my MIDIFighter Pro bricked? - Page 3
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  1. #21
    Tech Wizard
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    I followed the Bricked MIDI Fighter Reset Guide and there's still no joy. The old MFUpdate app gives me this response:

    Contacting DJTechTools
    Unable to open temporary file:
    Permisson denied
    Flashing the Midifighter...
    Midifighter erased.
    Failed to send HEX file to the Midifighter.

    And the other thing that is interesting now is that instead of the light at button 10 being illuminated when I plug in the USB, all of the LEDs are lit except for 2 and 16:

    I have no idea what that means. :/

  2. #22
    Tech Wizard
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    SUCCESS!!! I loaded the midifighter-20110511.hex into the old and now I get the snake lights and the LEDs illuminate when the arcade buttons are pressed!!! In addition, it can enter boot loader mode via the 4-button method.

    Next step is to see what the new MIDI Fighter Utility (2.85) sees. OK, still no joy here -- the Utility doesn't see squat when the MFpro is plugged in.

    Next step is to see what SNOIZE MIDI Monitor (1.41) sees. It sees it! But it lists "Midifighter" with no "Classic" or "Pro" additional designation. All 16 buttons transmit note on and off as appropriate but I'm getting no signal off any of the three analog controls, or the 4 digital buttons.

    Next step is to look at the device tree in my OS. I already know it will have it, because MIDI Monitor sees it. It does! Here's what it says:

    Product ID: 0x2048
    Vendor ID: 0x03eb (Atmel Corporation)
    Version: 0.02
    Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec
    Manufacturer: powered by AtmelŪ
    Location ID: 0xfa130000 / 11
    Current Available (mA): 500
    Current Required (mA): 100
    Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

    So, I know that I can go into the button-and-LED menu structure and activate the digital and analog expansion pins - but I'm not sure if that will make the daughterboard's special effects all work. I'm going to try that next.

    Also, if anyone has a hex file of the MIDI Fighter Pro firmware, now's the time to join the discussion.
    Last edited by Uncle Noah; 09-13-2021 at 06:26 PM.

  3. #23
    Tech Wizard
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    OK, I was able to go in via Menu Mode ( and activate Four Banks External mode and turn on the analog inputs. MIDI Monitor verifies signal from the three analog controls. However, when I went in to try to turn on the digital inputs, I was unable. There was no response from the four buttons (or any other buttons except for the escape key) and MIDI Monitor verifies that there is no signal when I push the four "bank" buttons on the MF Pro. So, just a couple of hurdles left to surmount here. I'm open to any suggestions!

  4. #24
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    OK, I was able to activate the digital inputs from the Menu Mode, however, I do not get any response from the buttons. They do not transmit MIDI and they do not light up. I'm thinking there must be some way to activate this final magical part of the MF Pro daughter board. Someone out there has to have been able to make this work. Help me, MIDI-Juan Kenobi!

  5. #25
    Tech Mentor
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    If you're still using midifighter-20110511.hex, the utility isn't going to work as it was created later that year (August/September 2011, IIRC) so that older firmware (March 2011) won't have the required functionality. The late-2011 firmware also added DJTT's own vendor ID (0x2580) instead of using Atmel's, so we can see from what you posted that this firmware predates that.

    Since you're able to update now, I would suggest trying to update with the latest firmware (or at least one from late 2011/early 2012) and seeing does it now work.

  6. #26
    Tech Guru DJDoubleYou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Noah View Post
    OK, I was able to activate the digital inputs from the Menu Mode, however, I do not get any response from the buttons. They do not transmit MIDI and they do not light up. I'm thinking there must be some way to activate this final magical part of the MF Pro daughter board. Someone out there has to have been able to make this work. Help me, MIDI-Juan Kenobi!
    Dude so cool that you've made some progress here, keep it on! And indeed, updating to a newer version now does seem like a smart idea.
    MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI

  7. #27
    Tech Mentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Noah View Post
    Also, if anyone has a hex file of the MIDI Fighter Pro firmware, now's the time to join the discussion.
    I guess this is what you need. I would contact DJTT to ask for a copy as I have no idea where you might otherwise get it, unless you find one linked here in the forums somewhere.

  8. #28
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    Big thanks to @guywithknife and @DJDoubleYou -- I've dropped a trouble ticket to DJTT support to see if they can dig up a firmware that can help me out - I'll report on how that works out. I should probably email Mad Zach and ill.GATES and see if they've got the files in case support can't find 'em.

  9. #29
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    SUCCESS!!!! Huge thanks to @guywithknife and @DJDoubleYou - I was able to interact reasonably with DJTT support and got a firmware update that got my MF Utility to see the board. DJTT Support also provided me with the firmware for the MIDI Fighter Pro, and with the utility now seeing the board, I was able to upload that firmware, and now the Pro is back to life!!! I've wanted one of these for so long and I'm extremely excited to learn it and do some fun stuff. I've saved all of my notes and files from this effort, so if anyone ever runs into this kind of situation, please do not hesitate to contact me, as I'll be happy to share everything I've got to help you through the process. Thanks again, everyone!
    Last edited by Uncle Noah; 11-07-2021 at 03:03 PM.

  10. #30
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    One last thing -- I sat down with my MIDI Fighter Pro and MIDI Monitor and drew up a MIDI map in case anyone is looking for one. You can grab it here:


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