Is my MIDIFighter Pro bricked? - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    This thread has been a life saver! I have a MF Pro Cue Master that out of nowhere started having the same issue (All or almost all lights lit up and no computer recognizing it as a device). I've gotten the sliders and faders working using the midifighter-20110511.hex but my four buttons next to the arcade grid don't work. I was wondering @Uncle Noah if you still have access to the hex file for the pro? I'm going to email them as well but just in case you have it and see this sooner I would love to put it somewhere public for easy access! It took a little digging to find the old firmware files but in case anyone else needs them they're here

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Just wanted to follow up that I messaged DJTT on their support site (Zendesk) and got the Cue Master hex file! Here's the ticket for reference and the link to the Cue Master hex file
    I asked them if they keep the MF Pro hex files somewhere public and if not to share them in hopes that anyone else running into this can fix theirs in the future! I'm still amazed at how well this thing runs for being so old now.

  3. #33
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Orange County, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by atesija View Post
    I'm still amazed at how well this thing runs for being so old now.
    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner -- I'm glad they were able to get you that hex file! I have the one I used if you need it. DJTT really should have a public repository of stuff for the original MIDI Fighter and the MIDI Fighter Pros. The hex files, circuit diagrams, mapping sheets, 3D printer files for the front and back plates, those vids of Ean wiring the BPM strobe LED into the board, a reliable source for the threaded spacers from the original design, Gerber files for the Pro daughter boards along with Mouser project part lists, etc. It would just be incredible for the 10-15 of us out here still infatuated with these dinosaurs

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by atesija View Post
    Just wanted to follow up that I messaged DJTT on their support site (Zendesk) and got the Cue Master hex file! Here's the ticket for reference and the link to the Cue Master hex file
    I asked them if they keep the MF Pro hex files somewhere public and if not to share them in hopes that anyone else running into this can fix theirs in the future! I'm still amazed at how well this thing runs for being so old now.
    Yo! big shout out and big love to you for posting this. I found your post about the MFPro Cuemaster Hex file. Did the bootloader mode from the instructions and then was able to load the firmware using the MF_Utility.exe.

    I love the midifighter. its so bad!

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