After years of searching, I was able to get my hands on a MIDIFighter Pro (Beat Masher configuration, board #2804 if anyone is counting). I anxiously plugged it in, and no "LED snake" light show - the only illumination is the LED of the lower-left arcade button. The MIDIFighter Utility doesn't see it at all. I tried holding down the 4 corners while re-plugging to get into bootloader mode - nothing. I tried holding down the rest button while re-plugging - that makes 15/16 button LEDs light up (the one in the lower right stays off) and as soon as I release the reset button, I'm back to just the lower left button's LED. I've gone through the other button combo bootloader procedures, and there's no joy. I know the chances are slim since the world is a solid decade past this unit, but any advice from anyone is greatly appreciated. If you're a tech that understands the working of the Pro, I'm happy to pay shipping and bench fees if you think you can make it work. Thanks folks.