Ripping Vinyl to Computer - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Default EQ is the key

    I wounldn't over think it. As others have mentioned, Make sure you have a quality needle, pre-amp & a high end sound-card that you have tested and know records well. The great thing about vinyl is the sound with the pops & crackle. However, some sound-cards over exaggerate these pops. Also Vinyl tends to be bass heavy, so that's why your recordings sound so flat. A good sound-card & some EQ & you are good to go!

  2. #12
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    They arent bass heavy. Vinyls dynamic range is smaller than Digital. They lack bass when they are ripped.
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  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    They arent bass heavy. Vinyls dynamic range is smaller than Digital. They lack bass when they are ripped.
    I started by saying keep it simple. The dynamic range in dB is smaller, yes. But I am talking about the audio gain dB level of each frequency on your track. I have been DJing for over 30 years & have an extensive collection of vinyl I that I have ripped into mp3's over the years. When compared to a rip from a CD for example, The mid and high frequency was always at a lower recorded dB level then compared to a CD rip. It makes perfect sense when you understand how vinyl records are manufactured. Because of this, I have always had to gain the mids and Highs. If you record from vinyl and leave the recording as is (flat). Yes it will sound bass heavy compared to anything digital that you import into your system. This issue is exaggerated on Albums or any piece of vinyl that the has a lot of tracks squeezed on to one disc. Again if you understand how vinyl is manufactured, you understand why. At the end of the day I was giving a simple answer of what has worked for me.

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