Cue Point LEDs on Xone K2 in Traktor Pro3
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Default Cue Point LEDs on Xone K2 in Traktor Pro3


    I am creating my own XoneK2 mapping for Traktor. Thereby one row should stand for one channel. I use the latch function for the lower 16 buttons. In a latch - position I have the cue points 1-4 (buttons A, E, I M). I also use a Shift button (Modifier 1) to use these buttons again for Cue Points 5-8. So far so good.
    I have mapped all cue functions with "Select/Set+Store Hotcue" to set and store them. As an output, the corresponding LED lights up when a hotcue is set. So I can set CUE 1-8 and a LED lights up as soon as the point is set and goes out when the CUE point is deleted. Just like at Traktor Kontrol X1.

    If I set any CUE Points 1-4 the LED works.
    When I press the SHIFT button (Modifier 1 toggles from 0 to 1) to set and store CUEs 5-8 the LEDs turn off, since they are not set yet.
    If I set any CUE Points 5-8 the LED works.
    If I switch back again (Modifier 1 toggles from 1 to 0), no activated CuePoints 1-4 light up anymore.
    Cue Points 5 - 8 always light up if I toggle to M1 = 1 and if they are set, Cue Points 1 - 4 do not, as soon as I toggle the first time back from M1 =1 to M1 = 0.
    It seems there is no update for the Modifier 1. If I delete the CUE Points and set them again, the LED works.
    Can someone tell me how I should map it, or what I am doing wrong?

  2. #2


    You could try a different OUT assignment. For example CueType.

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