Midi Fighter banks for programming CC not working?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Default Midi Fighter banks for programming CC not working?

    Oops. Is this forum alive? I'm new to Midi Fighter so forgive me. I'm using it to be a controller for cue mixes in my recording studio. I'm using the Behringer BCR2000 in three rooms, but because the MFT is smaller, in a smaller space it's perfect, except that there aren't enough knobs, unless I can use the extra banks. But when I program bank 2 it's still controller bank one. I know I'm doing something wrong. But I'm a little worried because this forum seems to be abandoned. I see questions being asked and no responses, going back quite a while. Hm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2024


    OK. I figured it out. I just had to update the firmware. It was Oct 2019 even though I bought it a couple of months ago. Now the current FW seems to be 08 June 2023I have another question I'll post and won't get an answer to! LOL. I'm trying to use a button. I want to set it as latch but it only seems to work as momentary.

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